Weekends = Willpower is on Vacation!

I think I may have been saying this as I left work on Friday! I'm not going to lie... I kicked the whole thing off in a bad way, with a bad attitude about food and... well, it just went downhill from there. I think I may have looked a bit like this...

I am pretty sure I ate and drank my way through the entire weekend. Worse yet, I didn't get my run in. *sigh* Now, now... I did swim. I swam slowly and felt like I was the anchor to a fishing boat that they forgot to pull up while they were trolling for walleyes, but I swam!

I'll highlight the happy things - the non-food things - of the weekend!

The girls and I had an awesome Friday evening together. They are all signed up for summer camp and enjoyed an hour of running around the gym, playing game with other friends from camp before we called it a night and headed home.

Saturday the girls, The Hubby and I headed over to his old home station to attend the open house of their new fire station. It turned out really nice. Last time I saw it, it was still just cement walls and floors with a ceiling on top. The end product was pretty impressive. It was fun to see old friends too. Then we headed home to get the girls read for their dad to pick them up for the Girl Scout Me & My Guy Dance.

I love that they are patient enough to let me do their hair in fun do's!! They both had a blast and were wiped out when they returned home after dancing the night away.

I pulled up some of the pictures I took last year as they headed out with The Hubby for a different dance. I can't believe how much they've changed in a year!

My little one isn't going to be my LITTLE one for much longer! I can't believe how much she's grown in the last year. Her appetite has told me that she's been doing some massive growing, the pictures just prove it!

Yesterday my oldest had a birthday party to go to, so Abbycakes and I dropped her off and set out for a date day, just the two of us. We checked off everything on her list including the candy store and swimming at the YMCA. It's very rare to get several hours in a row with just one kiddo. She loved it and so did I! Emmy Lou's best friend's dad dropped her off with us after the party, so she even got some swim time after rock climbing for a couple hours.

It really was a good weekend, I just had a very bad food attitude. I swam 500 yards and didn't feel like I was going to drown at any point, so that's progress! We got Emmy Lou all caught up on the homework she missed the past few weeks of being out sick a few days before spring break and then missing the first couple days back. It was painful, but we got there together! Andy by bedtime!!

So, since I sucked it up this weekend, I'm completely back on track this weekend. It's not doing me a lot of good to spend four days on plan and three off. At least I'm still on track those days, right? Plus, I planned out a simple menu for the week.

Monday - Omelets

Tuesday - Protein Shake

Wednesday - Bunless Burgers

Thursday - Cottage Pancakes (we ended up not having these last week)

Friday - Chicken (type to be determined)

I also have a solid workout calendar planned for this week. The weather hasn't exactly been cooperative the past week, but I just need to be patient. We'll start seeing more spring weather soon! I hope!!


Monday - Karate

Tuesday - Bike 35 minutes

Wednesday - Karate (Girl Scout Meeting too)

Thursday - Karate

Friday - Run 30 minutes

Saturday - Swim 

Sunday - Run 30 minutes / Bike 30 minutes

For those of you asking where my rest day is... It's coming! The Hubby is on vacation next week, so I'll be missing a few days of workouts for that. We have a long weekend of fun planned and I know I won't take the time to get a workout in - I'm just being honest!

My 40 Day Challenge starts two weeks from today as well. For real this time! There's no negotiation with doing this challenge. I need to do this challenge. I've gotten too comfortable in being able to cheat a bit and it's catching up with me. I still have progress I want to make. This challenge will also take me through my first race in over a year! I can't wait!

I've been going through old blog posts from when I started THM last summer and it's been motivating. I want to get back there. I want to feel that excitement again. Emmy Lou even told me last night that she is ready to get back on THM with me. I swear that kid can read my thoughts sometimes.

So, we'll get through this week (on plan) and next (on plan), enjoy some vacation fun the last half of next week and then gear up because we are going to get this done! It'll be Memorial Day Weekend before we know it!


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