I'm Not Alone

Thanks to everyone who reached out to me after yesterday's blog post. It is sad, yet very helpful to know I'm not alone. It's sad, because I wish that we, as humans, could see ourselves the way others who adore us and envy us do, instead of the way hateful, jealous people may pick us apart. No matter what, we are our own worst critics. We pick ourselves apart every day, but almost all of us would never think to do that to our loved ones. Key word there... Love! We don't tear down those we love, so the answer is to love ourselves. Saying it is the easy part.

On top of the picture project that I've started piecing together, I've decided that this month will be a month of lifting myself up. So, each day, I will post one thing that I love about my body. There are 24 days left in the month. I only post during the week, so I'll have to post more than one thing on Fridays and Mondays to cover the weekend. I will find 24 things that I love about myself. Anyone care to join me?

Today... Today I love my calves! For years I have wanted to wear tall boots, but even the wide calf ones didn't fit. As of this year, I have been able to start wearing good, ol', regular calf boots and I love it! Laugh if you want, but I feel more feminine when I wear boots. Maybe it's because I can't wear shoes with heels and this is my only other option. I love that I can pull them off (literally and figuratively!) now!! Plus, my calves are muscular and becoming more and more defined!

Speaking of boots! I even stepped outside my comfort zone with some new boots that were gifted to me...

Super tall boots!! They will take some getting used to. Don't mind my hair... that's my post-sparring-at-karate look. (Yes, that is a Croc stuffed in the side of the mirror. No matter how much I tighten it, it wants to spin and then I can't see myself, so the Croc is the wedge holding the mirror in place. It worked pretty slick too! I've been fighting with this mirror for years!)

So, there ya go! Instead of picking my body apart in a bad way, I will pick it apart in a good way. We'll see how that goes!

Moving on... Happy Hump Day!! Tonight is Girl Scouts, Karate and Bunless Burgers! I've packed an extra snack for the long day today and have stayed 100% on track so far this week. Unfortunately, my bike ride didn't happen last night. A couple inches of snow DID happen, so I wasn't going to bust out the bike to see if I could kill myself on slick roads last night. I opted for a full on rest day and I enjoyed every minute of it! The relaxation and quiet were just what I needed.

The rest of the week is a couple of days of karate, a ladies' night with some wonderful friends, a run, bike ride, some overtime, and some swimming. We might also hit up the Fish & Game Show this weekend with two of the kiddos. I will gladly welcome a pretty chill, no alarm clock weekend.

So, here we go ladies and gentlemen... My challenge to you today is to pick out something you like about yourself. You don't have to share and this isn't just for the women reading. I know plenty of men who have issues with some part of their body or another. Choose something and tell yourself WHY you like that part of you. Then wake up tomorrow and do it again! It takes 21 days to make a habit right? So, the end goal is to fall into the habit of loving your body - inside and out!


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