One Of Those Mornings!

After a completely awesome afternoon and evening yesterday, I was bound to have a not-so-good morning. It was just one of THOSE mornings. My youngest was whining and crying about everything. My oldest was being pokey. The scale was NOT my friend. Our systems at work kept going down... Oh and I forgot to make more coffee creamer, so no coffee for me today. Yeah, not your ideal Friday morning. but it IS Friday, so there's an end in sight.

I'm feeling like a pretty horrible mom this morning though. I almost blew the Easter Bunny right out of the water TWICE in the last two days. First, Emmy Lou comes out with her new flip flops from the bunny and asks, "Mom, do you know what size the Easter Bunny got me?" I think she's starting to figure things out. It all started with St. Nicholas Day this past December. Oh well. I caught myself as I was starting to tell her the size and told her I didn't know. She, thankfully, went about her business.

This morning was the bad one though... My Abbycakes will be 6 two months from today. She was mad at me because I wouldn't let her take her brand new softball glove to school this morning after she took her brand new headband yesterday and managed to lose it, and her hat, at recess (I'm sure at least the hat will turn up in lost and found today, but that's not the point). I told her that once she goes a full day without losing something she takes with her to school, I will think about it.

I may have been a little over the top because she takes things to school to show or share all of the time and most of the time those things make it back. I just wasn't in the mood after she had spent the past 15 minutes whining about the fact that she even had to go to school and we had to be out of the house five minutes ago! Needless to say, she hung her little head and started to sob.

I didn't stop there! At some point during my rant about her not crying every time I say now, I told her that I didn't want her to take it because I didn't have the money to replace it right now. I barely caught myself before telling her I didn't have the money to buy another one right now. I know if I'd messed that one up that one of them would have picked up on my choice of words in a heartbeat.

No worries, I managed to calm myself and her and we hugged it out. The glove did stay home though. She ended up taking a couple of stuffies to class today to show to her friends and seemed to be happy with that. I, on the other hand, felt horrible and guilty most of the morning that I had such a short fuse about it. Oh, the wonderful funness of mommyhood. *sigh*

On a happy note, I have some banked time that needs to be used today, so I get to leave a bit early! I can't wait to show up earlier than usual to surprise them!

On another happy note, yesterday was awesome and I was able to lock down the summer care plan for the kids! Tonight is summer camp registration, so I was down to the wire on that one. The girls are both excited about the summer plans for them this year. To be honest, I am too! I even locked in a much needed long, summer weekend at the cabin with the girls. My vacation had been up in the air since the beginning of the year and I finally got the go ahead for my July vacation request. WOOHOO! I also had the privilege of telling my girls that the last day of school is 9 weeks from today! CRAZY!!

By the way, that means my first race is seven weeks away. Although, The Hubby's family is trying to talk us into running a 5K on Mother's Day weekend. I will have to see where my body is at before I commit to that one.

Oh, and do you know what? Even though it's been a rough morning and I really, REALLY wanted to stuff my face with bad things. I didn't! I ate my breakfast burrito on the way to work, just had my apple and cheese stick for snack and will have chicken, cottage cheese and veggies for lunch. I won't let one bad morning ruin my week! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!


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