Day 11 of 40 - Creepin Up On The Weekend!!

I can smell Friday! Okay, no I can't, but I am anxious for it to get here. In all honestly, I'm excited for this weekend to get here and then we can just fast forward to the end of next week again too! I know, I'm awful. *grins*

I'm most excited for a weekend of relaxation this weekend! My plan include, but are not limited to... playing with my girls, going fishing, playing some games, sitting in the hot tub, shooting guns, going for a run, and relaxing! Gotta love weekends at the cabin. Plus, the weather is supposed to cooperate! WOOHOO!!

Until then... today the kiddos have early karate, then we have to rush the little one to the school for for her pre-show gathering for twirling (after making sure she has been fed - quickly!) and then watch her show before handing both kids off to their dad and The Hubby and I making a mad dash to our karate class. It's a 50/50 crap shoot on if we will make it on time or not. It depends on how long the performance lasts. Finally, after karate we'll go buy our fishing licenses and then head home for me to pack bags for the girls and I. My goal is to leave directly from the school when I pick the girls up tomorrow evening. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

As for the rest of my Thursday, I'm super proud to report that this is day number 11 back on Trim Healthy Mama (THM) full-time and I'm feeling great. I bounced right out of bed this morning (which is huge since I'm not a morning person at all) and have been in a good mood for days! It's crazy how much diet and exercise plays a role with your mood and energy level!

Here's what I did with my morning break...

Owwwww!!! Yeah, it's getting pretty dang tough! I'll admit, I had to touch my knee down once. My arms were burning like hell when I got done too. DANG!! Rumor has it, our next challenge looks a bit like this:

Feel free to click the link to get a better look at what it entails. It's still something we can do at work on our breaks and that is the main goal right now. I'm doing this with two of my dearest friends who have put up with me the longest and it's been entertaining. We don't do the weekend requirements, just Monday-Friday as a "work workout". We'll see how these last few days go as we get closer and closer to the 3 minute mark of the plank challenge. EEEK!!

I also noticed I forgot to add my "What I Like About Me" section to yesterday's post, so I'll have to double up today. Here ya go...

First I'll say that I like my strength because I didn't realize that I even had it till I was forced to step up and use it. I also love my shoulders! Both have had to be repaired and are less than top notch, but they get me through my planks and remind me that I can overcome obstacles!!

Tonight is a busy night, so The Hubby and I are opting for grilled chicken salads on the go from Burger King this time around. Totally on plan and it'll fill the void! I'm still working on planning out the weekend meals since I'm the only one eating this way out of 5-6 people, but I will definitely be packing back up options!

Have a great rest of the day everyone!


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