The Excitement is Thick!

My girls came home last night to find the pile under the tree grew just a little bit (aka, Mom finished shopping finally, although I still have a couple of things left - they just don't go under the tree) and the elves were being downright goofy, riding on Emmy Lou's doll's scooter! This is the first year our elves have gotten goofy, but I'm just too tired to go any further than having them play with the kids' toys once a week to be honest!

It's been a chaotic Christmas. I don't believe I've shared these pics yet, but it sums up the days in our house lately:

Start of the day...

End of the day...

We have a certain young kitty cat who takes personal offense to having the stockings hung up on that particular wall. She hasn't un-decorated the tree like she did last year, but those poor stockings have taken a beating this year. 

Reality is... that's about how I feel by the time I sit down at night lately! The problem is, I can sit there and think off 101 more things I need to get done, but that to do list will wait. My kids are growing up more and more each day. Yesterday when my girls came home, we made a solid dent on the to-do list, but after dinner it was time to get some snuggles. We all needed it. Plus, The Grinch was calling our name. What's a Christmas without watching both the cartoon and the movie at least once?!

They both curled up with blankets on each side of me and there we sat. My heart was so happy. These are the moments I will gather up like dropped pennies and ferret away for the future when they will no longer be small enough to fit on the couch, or be to old to snuggle Mom.

My to do list is still there, but my girls will be back with their dad tomorrow night... I'll work on it more then. While I know they are very well adjusted for children of divorced parents and that they know they are greatly loved at both houses, this, to me, is the hardest part of being divorced. I miss them when they are gone and sometimes feel they grew a foot over the weekend they were gone! Then again, it's not all bad... I fear I would never get anything done if I were still married to their dad because I always chose snuggling with my babies over housework back then too! *grins*

I love this time of year though. The excitement that radiates off of them as they search for travelling elves, tear rings off of their Christmas countdown chain, or help wrap Christmas presents is contagious. I think I'm just as excited for them open their gifts as they are. I'm most excited for them to see what Papa has built for them!!


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