No more baby steps! My confession yesterday was true, so here I am. Using the term baby steps implies I'm moving in the right direction. Since I'm choosing to just hang out for the next week and a half, I figured I'd ditch the baby steps for now.

Moving on... I love the holiday season when it comes to my own life, my family, my kids, etc. I despise the holiday season when it comes to answering the phones at work. Stress does horrible things to people and for many, especially people who are lower income, or who have just been laid off, etc. this is not a great time of the year. I'm trying to help and not take the yelling and cursing personally, but it definitely starts to wear on you. I think my entire team is counting down the minutes until our extended holiday weekend next week.

We're trying to keep each other's spirits up though. I mentioned that this week is Secret Santa week right? I'm not sure who mine is, but they've done good so far! I love getting little presents each day too! Here's my stash so far...

I'm having fun with the person who I am Secret Santa for, but I don't want to share anything here in case she may be reading.

Work stress is leading to a lot of extra munching too. I'm not the only one who is guilty. It's actually a bit entertaining to hear the little comments in the hallway. "Ugh! Why do I keep eating this stuff?" "Someone needs to move this fudge, or I'll be waddling out of here." "I need chocolate... yes, it's that kind of a day!" I work in an office dominated by women (there are two guys to keep us in line) and weight, food, diets, etc. are a constant hot topic. It's sad in a way, but also nice to know you're not alone in the struggle.

Tonight is also my night for overtime, so I'll be getting home in time to reheat some dinner and chill on the couch before crashing in bed.

I was chatting with The Hubby today on break and we were sharing complaints. It took a few minutes, but it suddenly clicked... The only thing the both of us have changed is the way that we are eating. We are both still doing karate regularly, we're both going to bed at the same time and no one in our house is currently sick (**knock on wood**), yet we came up with a pretty good list of woes:

  • Persistent headache
  • Utter exhaustion (I'm so sleepy!!!)
  • Breakout (as in acne)
  • Achy body
  • Sore muscles (and not the good post-workout type)
  • Irritability
  • Stuffy head - head cold type symptoms
  • Sluggishness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Full body fatigue/lack of energy
So, being the compare and contrast person that I am, I looked up "Symptoms of Sugar Overdose". Okay, a true insulin overdose can be deadly, but check out some of the info that showed up in regards to having too much sugar in your body...
"When there is too much sugar in the blood, your pancreas will release insulin, which circulates through your body and tells the cells to remove sugar from the blood. Your pancreas goes into overdrive to resolve this imbalance. In the end you go from high-blood sugar to low-blood sugar quickly as the pancreas keeps signaling the insulin to take up the sugar far pass the balancing point. This leads to fatigue, weakness, irritability and hunger as you enter the low-blood sugar state. Ironically when you get hunger cravings it's usually for something sweet... Excessive sugar in your body at any given time lowers the functioning of your immune system."
There was more info on it lowering your immune system. Feel free to do some research on that. One article said that 70-100g of sugar can suppress your immune system as quickly as 2 1/2 hours after ingestion. CRAZY!!!

Yes, I need to think hard about my choices. I can relax on my eating without completely going off the deep end, causing horrible negative effects right?? Sugar addiction truly is no joke. Sure, it's not an addiction to heroine - a drug that effects your whole life and everyone you love and care about - but when you are someone trying to make a good decision, an addiction to something can be the hardest thing to overcome.

With that said... I will make a conscious effort to make better choices. I don't need to eat nothing but cookies all day (yeah, that was yesterday). I need protein. I need balance I was actually craving meat last night. The best part about it all is that I can really see how much better I felt when I ate cleaner.

I know I probably sound like a walking contradiction by not wanting to be 100% on plan right now, yet saying that I know it was better for me. Maybe I shouldn't ditch the baby steps after all...


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