Baby Steps Day 2 - Hello December!

It's hard to believe that it's already December. It's even harder to believe that I'm completely ready for it to be December. Well, with the exception that I'm usually well ahead of the game with Christmas shopping by now. We do have the teacher's gifts almost done for this year and I have a list for the kids, The Hubby and the grandparents, so I feel pretty prepared. It's just finding time to get stuff ordered or get out and buy what we have on the list. I have 11 days before the first family gathering, but 23 before I need the bulk of it. I've got this!!

So, today is day 2 of 25. I plan to stay on track until Christmas Day. Then I'll let myself enjoy a couple of cookies and the sides to our Christmas dinner, then back on track. I have a trip that I'm leaving for in just over six weeks. That's when I will loosen the reins a bit and let myself enjoy my four day getaway with my best friend. I can last six weeks!

With that said, I know it will take a lot of effort to stay on track and to keep my weight from getting out of control. Here's me being brutally honest, when I'm actually solidly in self-denial... As of Sunday, I was up 10 pounds from my lowest weight. Granted, I'm pretty sure you can't gain 8 pounds of fat in a week, but my body loves to hang on to any weight for dear life, so this is going to take some extra effort to shed. I'm frustrated, but I brought it on myself. I didn't stop at just indulging at Thanksgiving dinner. I make a 4-day event out of it. Bad, Bad Mama! So, today is day two. I caved and used someone's creamer here at work because I was in a dire (read exhausted) situation alone in my office. I'm pretty sure my neighbor may have heard my head thump on my desk before she knocked and told me there was fresh coffee made (something I don't usually indulge in). It did the trick though, and it wasn't a gateway to overindulging. I ate my packed lunch and have stayed on track! One day at a time right??

So, back to my picture at the top... I do have some December wishes, so here ya go.

  • I wish for our kids to have a wonderful holiday season making memories that stay with them well into their adult years.
  • I wish for The Hubby and I to find peace with the stresses in our household. Things will never be perfect, but they can be better.
  • I wish for a healthy month (December is usually pretty rough for sickness in our house).
  • I wish for health and happiness for all of our friends and family as well.
  • Most of all, I wish for happiness - that everyone in our house is happy, finds the joy in the season, and in each other and knows how much they are all loved and appreciated.
There ya go! Here's to a wonderful final month of 2015 and a running start at a wonderful 2016. It all starts here, right? And to my readers, I wish you all a happy and stress free holiday season. Take a deep breath and don't let it overwhelm you. 


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