The Icks Have Hit Our House... AGAIN!

I swear we're on a weekly cycle. Last Thursday we were leaving Walmart and Abby threw up all over me. She even had so much force in it that she hit me in the face and it bounced off and hit her in the face. And you gotta love moms... I walk into the bathroom holding the hand of an ever-questioning-three-year-old ("Why did Abby puke?" "Why are we going in here?" "Can we still go to dinner with Nana?"), and a baby covered in puke in the other arm. You should have seen how fast the women in that restroom jumped into action. I had three women wiping me down with paper towels as soon as I got all the way in door. I'm so thankful to those good samaritans.

Now, one week later. I'm trying to rush Em out the door. Let me add that no one rushes Em. She's much like her father in that she goes at her own speed. If it's a slow day, no way are you going to speed her up. So, I'm running around the house, as is our usual morning ritual, she's decided to just wear her pj's to daycare (which is not abnormal for any of the kids by the way) and I'm dressing Abby and brushing my hair at the same time when Em comes running out of the bathroom (for the 3rd time) while brushing her teeth. I'm ashamed to say that frustration got the better of me... "WHAT NOW?!?!" She's going "eh, eh, eh" bouncing around. And then I hear those lovely words... "I'm gonna puke!" Mad dash for the bathroom and, poor Em, the seat was down. I felt so bad!! Let me say that I have the world's BEST puker. I'm not kidding. This kid has such a sensitive gag reflex that everytime she has a bad cold she goes through a night of puking. She can get herself out of her bed and into the bathroom without a mess. Unfortunately, there were too many hurdles to jump today... closed toilet, she hadn't gone potty yet... so there stood my little girl sobbing, "Mommy, I puked. Ohhhhh I peed my pants!" And in the next breath, "Can I still go to daycare?" Gotta love her enthusiasm.

So, anyway... today's plans, schedules and meals have changed. I'm considering making up some homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. I have to figure out the points, but I know it's yummy and hopefully it'll make my peanut feel a bit better. Our other option is eggs and whole wheat pancakes with venison breakfast sausage. We'll see how queezy her stomach is when she gets up, but she has been good since 11 this morning. Here's hoping.

What I wanted to add to this post though is this, on days when you know your points are going to suck (high or low), try to fill in the ones you can with good choices. If you felt a little off the first half of the day, but feel fine by evening... don't fill in those points with cakes and cookies. Trust me, you'll be mad later. I'm horrible about doing that. Today is going to be a low point day for me. Watching someone yak a few times makes for a loss of appetite. So, I'll be low, but I'll be fine. I'd rather be low and know I ate well, then be on target and know I just gorged on a brownie or a Blizzard.

Hope everyone else has healthy households. This house is very ready for spring so we can air out all the bugs that seem to be making rounds in our house. Plus, I'm anxious to get outside for some activity points... besides the ones you get for shoveling.


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