Here A Virus, There A Virus, Everywhere A Virus!

Seriously, everyone is sick all over the place! I still feel like someone beat me with the sick stick. I talked to my ex and, while both girls have been fever free since yesterday morning, Abbycakes woke up throwing up during the night. It's honestly not one virus that's running rampant through the streets, it's several! Mine is all upper respiratory and since the Z-pack I've been on this week doesn't seem to have touched it even a tiny bit, I'm lead to believe it's entirely viral. Fevers for Emmy Lou & Abbycakes turned into puking for my poor Abs. Then we picked up K & J yesterday for a 6-day visit and Kenziebug is complaining of a sore throat. NO NO NO!!!! No more!!!

Next week is spring break for my girls and while I know I'm going to miss them and worry about them while they are gone with their dad for almost a week, I'm looking forward to a chance to decontaminate our house! I can't take another bug right now. I feel like I've been sick for two months straight... which is pretty accurate! BLAH!!

I slept for 17 hours straight the night before last and was still in bed to sleep another seven last night and can hardly think about anything besides going BACK to bed again. UGH! You'd think I'd be caught up by now.

I'll be flat honest about how I've been handling being sick this time around... very little movement, beyond rolling over in bed and my food options have been entirely based around comfort foods and whatever is convenient. This too shall pass! Today I actually have a limited appetite, so hopefully I can get back on track with that. Today has been an entirely on track day, so far anyway.

I'm bowing out of karate tonight and The Hubby is making us Lemon Chicken Pasta before he and the kids head out to their karate classes. All of our kids had a snow day today, but the dojo doesn't close with the schools, so as of right now there's still class. My girls are stuck at their dad's due to the weather, but with the crud they've been fighting, I think another night off might not be a bad thing. Everyone will be back up and kicking in no time!

For now I'm sending out get well vibes to all of our sickly friends and friends' kids as we battle through the late winter yucks and hunker down for what we all hope is our last big snow storm. Stay safe and heal fast everyone. As for those of you reading and enjoying a warmer, snow-free, sick-free climate...

You suck, but I love ya anyway!


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