Halloween Potluck Success and Basement Progress

We've officially kicked off the holiday food festivities! I mentioned in a previous post that things get food crazy around here from about now until the end of the year. Today was the all-staff Halloween Pot Luck Luncheon. People brought in creepy, cute or pumpkin filled foods and there was a friendly competition, so we all got to vote for the three different categories. I behaved myself, did not over eat and enjoyed a break from my cave... I mean office with some co-workers as we enjoyed lunch together. I voted these as overall best idea. They were just too cute! Troll legs!! No worries, I didn't eat it. I wanted it for the pics and to bring home for the kids (although I probably won't let them eat the whole thing either!). I want to make some, in a smaller version, for Thanksgiving!

So, one down... 20 more to go! Okay, not 20, but plenty! It's been too good of a week to throw it all away. It was fun to see the creative ideas.

Tonight I will be a costume making maniac. The girls' Halloween parade and parties are tomorrow afternoon, so I'm under a deadline now. I still have to swing by the store and pick up that red hairspray to dye Emmy Lou's hair. We got the final pieces for the other costumes last night, except the dye for The Hubby's overalls. We even picked up costumes for the dogs. I already had Jake's, but I had to get Piper something and this was on sale at Michael's!

Jake the Rufferee

Piper the Pink Ballerina Hippo

Yup, I'm one of THOSE people! In my defense, we do have an annual Halloween party and the dogs wander around with everyone who is also dressed up, so why not?! I think the kids will get a kick out of it. Plus, Piper's costume will help keep her warm that night!

I haven't shared any updates on the basement lately. The Hubby was hard at work his entire six days off (his shift has him off four and six days at a time after his week's rotation of 24-shifts on/off). He's been working on all of the detail work. I shared my awesome new closet. Here were his other two projects this week, outside of installing baseboard throughout the entire basement.

My rustic blanket ladder! I found this on Pinterest and HAD to have it and The Hubby delivered. It turned out awesome! (Please ignore the messes on each side. We're still sorting through stuff for Goodwill - which is an awesome feeling by the way!)

Dog house makeover - Another awesome Pinterest success. I have finishing ideas for around the outside, but The Hubby rocked this one!

I love watching everything come together the way we had envisioned. Turns out this flood was a blessing in disguise. We have the basement we have been planning since we moved in and, although it's been a major headache, it's really becoming OUR home. Next up, my office area!! We are setting up a corner desk in the area behind the couch. It will be a multi-use desk. I'll have my photography business stuff set up there and we will have space for the kids and Andy to do homework. Everyone in the house will have access to a quiet space to get work done. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Meanwhile... I need to shop for decorations to finish off the bedroom and the den area of the basement. I also need to make an ottoman for the new couch and drapes for over the windows down there and my closet. The Hubby is also working on a pretty neat project for the wall that he claimed as "his" and I can't wait to see the finished product for that. You all will just have to wait on that one!!

Needless to say, tonight is a pretty easy meal night. Eggs and cottage cheese. Eggs are always my go-to for an easy meal. I'm horrible about not eating at all when I'm busy on my nights without kids, so with a plan I know I'll force myself to do it. Oooh and the scale has been friendly this week, so I'm actually excited about weigh in this week! I really think I figured out my reason for stalling. We shall see!!


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