Fuel Cycle Week - Day 4

Today is E Day #2... My super awesome hubby made me breakfast before I left for work this morning since he didn't have to run kids to school this morning. A nice, hot breakfast was such a good treat and so filling. That means I actually managed to eat my planned egg white sandwich this morning! I'm 100% on track. Yahoo. Of course, I'm only three hours into my day.... 

Yesterday went really well. I learned some valuable information about fats and carbs in each meal that will help with my regular meals once we're done with the cycle. Everyone had karate last night, but we had one kid who was sent home sick from school, so The Hubby bowed out of our class to stay home with him. After going through our adult class, I wish he would have been there. He would have loved it! I think the thing that I love most about this karate experience is that each class is usually something new and completely different than the last class. This class was stations of punching/kicking that we cycled through with at two minutes each. Unfortunately, I now know that the shot I got in my ribs last Thursday didn't work. The intense cardio kicked my pain into high gear and by the 9th, 10th and 11th station I was doubled over in pain, but pushed my way through it.

That reminds me... I didn't tell you all what they did on Thursday at my appointment. I had an absolutely awesome doc who specialized in anesthetics and pain management. We discussed my issues and he admitted that I was a challenging case. The fact that I've been dealing with this pain for so long is concerning. Then the fact that I was a college athlete and could play hockey and softball and run without pain before this all started is baffling. He explained the course of action we are going to take, which started with a couple of shots. One into my ribs and one up under my ribs from the front. I ended up with some beautiful bruising from the one into my ribs.

I had a lot of pain the first couple of days of vacation, but nothing I couldn't play through! Since the shot didn't make a difference, the next step is taking a pill every day to see if that helps. He also wants me to try a back support belt in case it is spinal related. If another shot and these other items don't help, we'll be looking at a spinal MRI and possibly a CT scan. It's frustrating, but at least I have a doc who has testing options and ideas on how to fix it. I'm just really ready for something to work!

Anyway... enough whining. Most days karate doesn't create pain and I'm really enjoying it, so I'm very happy to have a workout that really helps and gives me the outlet that running used to give me. It feels good to do something!

Tomorrow is finally Friday, after a long week back from vacation and it will be a challenging one. We are having a dual celebration - a co-worker's birthday and Boss's Day. The final decision was to do a potluck breakfast and then order in pizza for lunch. Knowing the copious amounts of goodies my co-workers bring to such events, I'm going to have to stay strong and pack some good foods in my lunch bag. I can enjoy the fruit that I'm bringing for breakfast, but the egg bake will be off limits because it will be my first Fuel Pull day. That means I'll be eating low carb and low fat. That also means no cheesy, whole egg breakfast bake. Oh well! It's just one day! There will be plenty more challenges as we get closer to the holidays!

So, 3 out of 30 days down on our challenge and I'm still 100% on track! WOOHOO!! Oh, I did miss a workout on Tuesday, but I doubled up on Monday, so I'll forgive myself this time. Tonight I hope to get to karate, but I decided to slice my foot open on the nails that held the carpeting down in the basement (which is getting closer and closer to being done!!!), so we'll see if I can pivot on it by 8:00 tonight. Yes, I know... I'm a hot mess!


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