Another Year FULL of Memories!

We officially have an 8 year old in the house! She's been counting down the days and is so excited for the three days of fun that lie ahead. I just love being able to share it all with her and make it fun and exciting for her. The fact that she gets this excited for her birthday assures me that I have done my job well! I waited YEARS to throw parties for my own kids, so I tend to do it up big for birthdays. I still remember a few of mine. Anyway... here's a quick look at the past year with our Emmy Lou. 

She's such a hoot, but I love that she is fearless in jumping into new adventures and that although she wants to be the "big kid" she also still loves to share the little kid stuff with the younger kids - an thoroughly enjoys it! So, Em's year in review...

  • Mall of America - she tried new rides, rode the roller coaster by herself and finally earned half to buy her much-awaited American Girl Doll. Welcome to the family Kit Kittredge!
  • She got the surprise party that she had been wishing for for the past two years.
  • Mom & Andy got married and she was a ring bearer (NOT a flower girl, since girls should get to be ring bearers too - per Em).
  • 2nd grade started and completed? CHECK!
  • She had one of the cutest Halloween costumes I've made to date - Mrs. Clause. She loved it!
  • She completed her First Penance
  • First year on swim team - and got a trophy for Rookie of the Year!
  • She climbed a rock wall for the first time.
  • We got a puppy! Welcome to the family Piper!
  • She went to the Daddy Daughter Ball with Andy and the other two girls
  • She completed her First Communion.
  • Second year of indoor soccer (and probably the last!)
  • She ran the school 5K and set a personal record (PR)!
  • Mom surprised her with a trip to the salon for the pink streaks she had been begging for.
  • She became a triathlete after finishing her first triathlon!
  • She played her first year of softball.
She did so much more than that this year, but these are the highlights. And remember... she spends 1/2 the time at her dad's, so these were just the memories she made with our family. She had a pretty awesome year and is a pretty awesome kid! I'm looking forward to the rest of the week and seeing her enjoy it all!

As for me... I may have fallen off the wagon a slight bit today. I realized at 10pm that I forgot to buy the turkey and make the cilantro lime turkey for our taco bar today. So, I made do with what was provided. I confessed to The Hubby right after too!! I had 8 Doritos to scoop my taco meat, lettuce and salsa, plus fruit, veggies and then a tiny slice of cornbread and the two other desserts that were in the mix. I didn't gorge or over indulge, but I wasn't 100% on plan. The positive side to it is that I didn't have any interest in going back for more! Those little sneak peek bites were plenty (and SUPER SWEET). So, while I may not have met my goal of not succumbing to the birthday temptations this week, I did it with grace and still feel very good about myself. No guilt here. Dust off and move on. This is life! If I can't participate in life, then what's the point?? I did pass on the soda for sure though! That's one line I refuse to cross.

So, one fun, tempting event down... Today was a birthday potluck for co-workers with birthday's this month, tonight is Em's birthday dinner, tomorrow is the Spa Sleepover Party and Saturday is the family/friend birthday party. WHEW!! Sunday I will sit down, recover and edit the photo session I did earlier this month. 

Oh and on a super good note... I submitted my final documents for my application into the master's program I applied to. Today I had a phone call with the person who will be my adviser and she started talking to me about what classes I could still get into this fall... I haven't even been officially accepted into the program, but I'll assume that means that I'm in! EEK!!! All six of us in school this fall. What are we getting ourselves into?


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