Stress, Stubbornness & Sweetness

I think that "Triple S" title sums up our house lately! There are days that The Hubby and I just give each other a hug while saying we really want to turn in our "adult card". I know you've all been there!

With four kids, we have four EXTREMELY different personalities. Add in The Hubby and I and we have quite the mix of drama, high maintenance, laid back and chill and one kid can go through all of that and more in less than four hours! Sometimes, you just want to hide in the closet (and I may have once or twice, or at least the laundry room). Then add to all of that the fact that we are a blended family and that both sets of siblings have a whole other house and family and set of rules with their other parent. CRAZINESS!!!

We've had plenty of struggles with kids adjusting to new rules, new expectations and the difference between "Mom's House" and "Dad's House" from all four. We totally expected that and will most likely always deal with it. We are very lucky that the four of them get along fantastically and we only deal with minor sibling bickering here and there, usually when they've spent too much time cooped up together! I don't blame them, I get cranky when I'm cooped up too!

Let's be honest though... it can be so trying!! We've both shed tears, shared fears and worried we are doing permanent damage to our kids from time to time. And if I'm completely honest, it is probably the only thing that we ever argue about, with both of us eventually ending up on the same page after some much needed pow-wow'ing. Yet, those who have been down this road assure me that we are doing everything right and we will all come out on the other side just fine. My question to them is always, "When will we get to the other side?!?"

Like any house with children, we have good days and bad days. Sometimes the addition of exes can turn a bad day into a horrible day. Or maybe just a lack of listening or following rules can start to bring the overall feeling in the house down a bit, but you know what? Things have changed in our, The Hubby's and my, response to all of the above! Yes, we get frustrated and yes, we dole out punishments that often put a damper on our fun plans, but our personal, physical responses to how to handle our feelings after it all have changed.

I can attribute a lot of my weight gain over the past couple of years to stress and eating my emotions. I'm HORRIBLE! Upset me and I want to grab comfort food. Physical injury, bring me home some Dairy Queen please. Feeling stressed out... I would eat my way through a large package of mini donuts. I was horrible. I was completely aware of what I was doing, but I did it anyway. After a stressful couple of days with kids, The Hubby and I would escape to have dinner, drinks and maybe even dessert together to feed those feelings of frustration. In the past month, I have not reached for one nibble of food when I've felt overwhelmed, or frustrated, or upset. I have not driven directly to McDonalds for french fries to feed my inner pain. And I haven't even had to put any conscious effort into it!! How's that for a major NSV?!?

So, yes, we have stress - who doesn't? We have stubbornness - our youngest daughter and myself probably top the charts on that one, but everyone in the house has a streak in them! But, oh do we have sweetness!! We have hugs and kisses and "I'm so glad you're home, Mommy!" or "I love you, Daddy!" Not to mention two dogs that meet you at the door at the end of a long day and two cats who can't wait for you to sit down or for the house to be quiet so they can come out and snuggle with you. Yeah, life gets tough and frustrating, but we have a lot to be thankful for. Thankfully, we are also learning from each stress or stubborn argument and show of sweetness as well!


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