HOT HOT Monday!

Another hot, muggy day here! I live up north so I don't have to deal with the extreme heat. But apparently Mother Nature is having one heck of a hotflash because she doesn't care what our average temp is around here. For that past several days it has been into the 90s! I feel like the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.... "I'm MELTING!!!!" WHEW!

The thing about heat for me is that I feel less hungry. Great right? Not really, then I have to force myself to eat or I will get lightheaded and keel over, so the better option is to force feed given the two. This is the one time you will not hear me complain about no microwave at work too. Hot food is just not high on my must-have list right now in my stuffy little box, I mean office.

Tonight I have a new recipe to try though. My mom brought me fresh made pesto. I love pesto. I mean I LOVE pesto. I would put it on everything if I could. Basil is one of my top five favorite seasonings. Mmmmm! My mouth is watering just thinking of it! So, tonight I'm making grilled pesto shrimp skewers. Go ahead, be jealous! Of course, I'll be cooking them over a grill at 400 degrees in 90 degree heat... yeah, not super excited about that part, but at least I'm not firing up the oven inside the house!! My side will be fresh green beans too! Sad that I'm this excited for dinner right?

Here's the recipe if anyone wants to try it with me. I'll definitely have a report tomorrow as far as a recipe review. This week I'll have a few of those to share since The Hubby and I had some road trip time to search Pinterest and plan our weekly menu this week! So fun!

Anyway, here ya go!

I'm also trying a couple new dessert recipes tonight, so the oven will eventually be turned on, but for a good cause! Those recipes will have full reviews as well... I'm sure they will even have kid test results since they hover when they smell chocolate. No idea where they get that from!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We sure did!! Busy, but fun! I had a photoshoot, got my baby fix, got into the next size down in pants and went for a hot bike ride... that was just Saturday!

Then Sunday The Hubby and I went four wheeling with friends, stopped and had lunch on the trail and then headed out to do some yard work on our rental and head back home. It was HOT!! We definitely got our sweat on! But it was a great weekend!

By the way... I have a new challenge up for this week's Fitness Photo Challenge. Check out my last post for details. I reported there, but I figured I'd better report here too... This week's goal is 3 cardio days and 2 shoulder rehab days on top of those three. They are on the calendar, so I've planned, now I must execute! For now... tonight is softball practice and tomorrow is the final game, then the rest of the summer is wide open for getting out and doing whatever we like in the evenings. YAY!!!


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