It's Friday... Weigh In Day!

It's my favorite day of the week. YAHOO!!! I made it another week without looking at the scale between weigh ins. {{Pats Self On Back}} It's actually getting easier and easier. I was dreading the scale this morning though. It's that time of the month, we splurged on Sunday and I just feel fluffy. To my surprise I'm down another pound and a half! WOOHOO!!

Looking over my recorded weigh ins over the past five years it's safe to say that February has never been my best month for weight loss. I'm not really sure why that is. Winter blues? End of the honeymoon period? Wavering willpower? Recovery time after a solid January loss? I really can't say, but I'm happy to be able to look at my last weigh in last month and see a lower number today. Sadly, in the past, March hasn't fared much better, so I'm out to change that this year!

Funny enough, the scale's report this morning is just what I needed. I was all set to binge today. I have been fighting the urge to eat Girl Scout cookies most of the week. I don't mean just one or two either... I wanted to eat a box or two.

Thankfully, they have almost all been delivered and I have only indulged in a couple of cookies today and last weekend! Just enough to take the edge off!

So, we're down to less than four weeks until Holy Thursday - or the end of Lent - and I'm still feeling pretty good. It was a slow start, but everything is falling into place. The cravings have subsided (other than those dang Girl Scout cookies!) and I'm slowly starting to feel like I have more energy - which just started today actually.

I know I'm only hurting myself by choosing to eat completely off track on the weekends and I can feel it. It took all week to wake up feeling like I got a good night's sleep instead of having to drag myself out of bed and basically not open my eyes entirely until after my shower! I have been exhausted all day, every day, all week! So, my goal this weekend is to allow myself those two meals on Saturday, but then get right back on track three hours later. The sooner, the better. Then I'll monitor my energy levels next week and see how quickly my body recovers.

I realize that I've mentioned it in the past, but my body HATES sugar. I really don't do THM because I like to brag about it, or it's a fad. Last weekend I indulged on real sugar and some carbs I wouldn't usually eat. By Tuesday my entire back was broken out, my energy level had tanked, my knees were aching horribly, and I was beyond irritable. Today my knees don't hurt at all, my back is SLOWLY clearing up and I'm in a good mood. No, it's not just because it's Friday. I could feel the funk starting to lift yesterday afternoon. It's like the fog is moving out.

A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she quit eating processed sugar and carbs almost two weeks ago and feels horrible - flu-like, crabby, etc. Another friend posted a video to her of a couple of young men in Germany who videoed an experiment of one of the guys giving up sugar for a month. The guy talked about having the same symptoms as my friend. Sugar detox is horrible. What's crazier is what one month without sugar can do to your body! Here's the link to the video if you're interested.

I'm still surprised all the time at the negative affect sugar/carbs have on my body. I can try to fight it or argue as much as I want. It's my choice to eat whatever I want, but in the end... I can't really argue with the facts that are staring me straight in the face. Plus, I'm learning more and more as I go!

Will I ever be 100% sugar free? Come on, let's be realistic. No, I won't be. I love food and I have a life. I will push myself to be as sugar free as possible because my health is important, but in the end I'm totally human and will never be able to do this perfectly! I can say that I can never go back to eating 100% the way I was. I know too much now. To do that and think that I won't be a mess mentally AND physically is a lie. I've learned too much about myself to go back now.

Alright, enough of that. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend. It's supposed to be very spring-ish here this weekend and I can't wait! Good weather always brings good moods with it!


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