Day 19 of 28 - It's Weigh In Day Friday!!

Yup! That's me!! It's FRIDAY!!!! It's also weigh in Friday and boy do I have a little story about that!

So, it's finally time to weigh for the first time since last week. I've been really good this week. Not perfect, but good. Still, I was nervous about stepping on that scale this morning. So, I stepped on, looked down and saw my weight had gone UP! WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me??? I stepped off and my scale all but laughed at me as it gave the -C- symbol that it gives when it wants to say "psyche!" For some reason, when it's gone unused for too long, it will take a higher initial weight, then the -C- comes up, it resets itself, you step on again and poof, you've lost like 4 pounds. Evil, nasty beast!!! Here I was, near tears in frustration, and it was an evil joke that the stupid machine was playing one me. Honestly, I told it that it will soon be replaced. I'm not laughing at it's jokes!

So, in the end, I did a little happy dance as I saw that I successfully dropped 2 1/2 more pounds this week, even after enjoying a beer with my best friend and stealing some nuggets from my girls earlier this week. It's been a rough week with this cold and going from having almost no appetite to wanting comfort foods, but I've made it through and I feel like I may just be on the down side of this cold. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't ramp back up.

So, after most of the week off of karate in hopes of rest being my friend with this junk, we head back tonight. We test for our next belt a month from tomorrow! That means we all need to have 18 classes in and need to know our old form and our new form to pass. For those unfamiliar with karate, a form is a choreographed set of movements to simulate a fight that you need to memorize. Each level you move up, the difficulty increases to add more of what you have learned in your training. The ones the upper belts do are insane! We will all be ready though!

Oh and today is a big day in the history of The Hubby and I. Four years ago today we met up for our very first date. I had a cappuccino and he had a hot cocoa. We met online, so this was the first time we met face to face and I was shaking like a leaf while I waited for him to show up. Funny, I still get those butterflies from time to time in excitement for a planned date together. I hope it never goes away! Either way, it's been a long, crazy journey to get where we are today and our journey is far from done. Our lives may be crazy, hectic and sometimes beyond stressful, but I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else. We make a good team!

Four years?!? It's crazy how time flies when you're having fun!

I also read through some blog posts from the year we started seeing each other. They were filled with running and happiness. The running may not be as big of a part of my life at this point, but the happiness still is. There are times where I wish I could go back to the way it felt when we were dating, but then the other (bigger) part of me wouldn't go back. We know each other, we are comfortable with each other and we know how to have fun with each other. We still make each other laugh. We also know that we can say anything to the other person and have them understand and support you, instead of fearing something may scare them away - like in those early days. Yup... I'll take now. Even with all of our baggage, it's totally worth it.

Happy Anniversary of Our First Date Hun! I wouldn't have admitted it then, but I was already falling head over heels in love with you by that day and never stopped! I mean, come on... Who can resist a man in uniform?

This picture was taken a few months after we met.

Today he made a new batch of Skinny Peanut Butter Cups, since we were out this morning, and texted me to tell me he'll drop some off for me. Yup... He's a keeper!


Sorry, I was off on my dates! We became Facebook friends 4 years ago today and "watched" the Super Bowl game together while he was at work and I was at home - via Facebook Messenger. Awww memories! We actually met for the first time on February 9th. Thanks for setting me right Facebook "you became friends with" reminder thingy!


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