Back on Track

Well, my appetite came back this weekend. It didn't necessarily bring my energy with it, but that's slowly making a return as well. After a crazy treat last night with the kids - we made ice cream sundaes - it's time to get back on track today. My breakfast, snack and lunch prove that I'm making a solid effort.

Friday I returned to karate after over a week off. Holy cow! That was a solid butt whoopin'! We had an instructor that we haven't had yet and he was fast paced and intense. We definitely got a solid workout and, although I was wiped out and hurting all over, it felt good to sweat out the last of this nastiness!

Saturday we loaded the whole family into our new family vehicle for the first time.

We bought a new Ford Explorer last week and everyone fit great! I have to admit that I'm happy we finally got past the van stage. I'm not a van person. I know people who are, like my co-worker who's kids are all grown and she goes on and on about how great her van is and how she can't wait to get a new van. That's just not me. Although, as The Hubby says, it did serve it's purpose well for us. I'm just more of a four wheel drive kind of girl!

Anyway... we took everyone to the karate academy and had fun at an event they were hosting. The rest of the afternoon was pretty chill. The Hubby threw together a Tequila Lime Chicken which was absolutely what I needed with my newly found appetite! He paired it with a cilantro lime brown rice and we were good to go!

Yesterday was another mostly low key day. Abbycakes had an event at school, so she and I had lunch and a few hours of just the two of us. She ate it up! The two middle girls really do get shafted on solo time with any of the parents. Somehow I manage to take Emmy Lou places alone and Jack Jack is still not in school full time, so he gets his dad to himself a couple of days each week he's with us. Poor Kenziebug and Abbycakes just don't get as many opportunities for that 1-on-1 time. We try to make time, but with our busy schedule the events are farther apart than we'd like. We're working on it though.

So, Abbycakes had a blast with her mom time. She shot me with straw wrappers at lunch, bounced her little heart out with friends and enjoyed the different crafts and games they had set up! Mom also enjoyed being able to hug and love on her and play games with her without feeling guilty for not being with one of the other kids or being called or pulled away as soon as we sat down to play!

When we got home she bundled up with the other kids and they all went outside to play. They played outside as it snowed and snowed and snowed. THREE HOURS they played outside with each other with minimal tattling or whining. The Hubby and I took advantage of the quiet and enjoyed some uninterrupted games of cribbage. It's absolutely unheard of to have so much time to enjoy adult talk during the day when we have all four!

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change it for anything. I know that all too soon they will all grow up and our house will be too quiet. I'll miss the giggles and chatter... and especially the "Mom... mom... mommy... mooooooom!" But it was nice to watch them all play together nicely for so long. Plus, they all went to bed without any hassle!

Tonight we're back into the thick of it. Our crazy lives continue with homework, dinner and late karate for everyone. The girls then head off to their dad's for the night and we are down to two for a couple of bedtimes. It is a constant adjustment, that's for sure. Some nights we're tucking in four, some nights two and some nights none. It's funny... I look forward to the nights I'm home all alone here and there, but by the end of the night I'm missing the cuddles - both kid and hubby!

Emmy Lou is still rocking the THM Kid life. She said this weekend that she wants to keep having the same lunches, even after Easter. I was also chatting with a couple of the teachers at Abbycakes's event and the one does the after school latchkey class. She said she was impressed that Emmy Lou is very aware of what she's being offered and turns things down without complaint. She said she's really good about saying no thank you to the snacks offered and heading off to get one she has in her bag. That was definitely a proud mama moment. I'm not going to police her decision to do this, so I'm happy to hear she is doing what she wants and doing it her way.

Well, we're over half way through Monday. UGH! The Hubby and I need to do some more menu planning, but tonight is Bunless Burgers and Bacon Wrapped Grilled Asparagus. Tomorrow is still undecided, but I'm guessing either pork chops or chicken. He's been fighting a bug of some sort, so I've been trying to keep the meal plan simple until we're both back up and running full steam. I'll update once I have the full week worked out.

Until then... kick Monday's butt!!


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