31 Days Left of Lent

Sadly, the only thing I've successfully given up for Lent is my sanity this year! UGH! It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I haven't given up though.

Yesterday I read one of this silly meme.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I stopped me for a moment and had me wavering. It's true. This is going to be a lifelong battle, this eating and being healthy crap. (That was written with sarcasm) Really though, I'll always struggle to stay on the healthy path. I'll always be tempted by yummy foods, the ease of eating out, or wanting to have drinks with friends over sticking with water. I love food. I have to talk myself into going to the gym over going home and vegging on the couch or going out for those drinks I mentioned above...

It would be so easy to give up and just move forward with doing and eating whatever I want. Then I pictured the result of that. I'd go back to being that miserable person. I'd feel crummy, I'd hate my body, I'd go back to being utterly self-conscious, and I'd have to deal with the side effects of my choices as far as my health goes. Nah! I think I'll pass!

So, while we all will die in the end... we all get to choose how we want to live in the meantime. I choose to live a happy life. That means trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy living life in the body I have. I am by no means doing it perfectly. Not even close! I just choose to keep trying and that's better than giving up.

With that said, yesterday was a 100% on plan today! Today is shaping up much the same. Tomorrow is The Hubby's birthday and we are working on a THM-friendly menu. I'm even planning a THM recipe for dessert! We will have everyone together tomorrow night, so we'll have a mini celebration before late karate.

Since I've been down and out with the crud, his present got a little delayed, so I won't be able to give it to him until this weekend. It's been in the works since Christmas, so I'm excited to see his reaction! Plus, he has a date with a tattoo artist on Saturday morning for his true birthday present. Yeah, you can say we are slightly addicted lately! I'll update next week with all of that fun!

Tonight is a late night at work for me due to mandatory overtime, but I'm ready for it. Here's my menu today... Oh and a HUGE shout out to my awesome hubby who saved the day. I forgot I was out of creamer, so he made some this morning and brought it to me at work. He just saved a lot of people from a crabby mama!!!

Breakfast: Breakfast Burrito (S)

Snack: COFFEE!!! With homemade creamer (S)

Lunch: Cold Cut Wrap, Cottage Cheese & Skinny Peanut Butter Cups (I forgot my carrots too!!!) (S)

Snack: Apple with String Cheese (E)

Snack: 000 Oikos Greek Yogurt (FP)

That'll tide me over until I get home tonight for dinner. I need to step up my fruit & veggie intake a bit and also keep mixing up my fuels a bit more. Today is a pretty good variety though!

Also, I promised you all a menu for the rest of the week, so here you go.

Funny enough, it feels good to be back on track and have everything planned out. I'm prone to anxiety when things are a chaotic mess. Oh, I can roll with it. I put up a really good front, but I don't like it. I've gotten more OCD in my old age! So, we're all set for the rest of the week and I feel a lot more at ease. Now to get back to my water and my to-do list for the day.


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