Day 26 of 28 - Friday Fanatics Rejoice!

Here we are again! It's FRIDAY! Although, this Friday is better than just any ol' Friday. First, it's Super Friday at work... AKA payday.

Plus it's Super Awesome Super Friday because it's the Friday before a 3-day weekend!

Oh, we celebrate everything around here.

We'll even take it one step farther and say that it's Super Sweet Super Awesome Super Friday since it's also the Friday before Valentine's Day.

I know... I'm a dork! It's just a very good Friday.

So, I made it through another week without weighing. I weighed this morning and gained 1/2 of a pound, but I actually have until Sunday morning to shed that. We'll see. I'm not overly hopeful, but this week was a struggle emotionally and I either didn't eat, or made poor choices a big part of the first half. I've been back on track the second half of the week, which probably saved me from a serious gain, so I'm good. I'll measure tomorrow for a monthly update too.

I'm super excited for the weekend. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! Plus, who doesn't love long weekends? WOOHOO!!!

Of course, I filled my Monday off with appointments so I don't have to take time off down the road. I think that's a sure sign you are officially an adult. *sigh* On a happy note, one of those appointments is a half hour massage! So excited!! It will be the perfect follow up to a date day with The Hubby on Sunday!

I'll officially wrap up my 28-day challenge this weekend. I'm not upset with how it went, but I know I could do better. Emmy Lou and I are into the Lent Challenge. Today is day 3 of 46. We will just keep plugging along there. No major events scheduled between Valentine's Day and Easter, so that's nice! We do have our next karate belt testing for the older two, The Hubby and I the first weekend in March. Emmy Lou and Abbycakes have Spring Break the week before Easter, so they are spending a few days with my parents and I know my mom will help Emmy Lou finish strong. I have a feeling the end of March is going to come quickly!

Enough rambling... I wish you all a very happy weekend. For those who get the extra day... yahoo! For those who don't, I'm so sorry! My kids have school, The Hubby works, I have three appointments, a Girl Scout Meeting and karate for the kids and myself... Yeah, I believe it will go so quickly that I will be left wondering where it went on Tuesday morning!

Until next time... have a safe weekend and don't beat yourself up if you enjoy a couple treats on Sunday!


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