Day 52 of 84 - Frustration Does Not Equal Failure

I may be incredibly frustrated, but I will not fail!! My body may not be cooperating with me right now, but I refuse to give up. One month from tomorrow I will step on that challenge scale and weigh out with my head held high. Frustration may make the little voice in my head say, "What's the point? Just give up now!" or some form of that statement. I've heard it a lot the last couple of weeks. As soon as I weighed in with a loss last week I watched that scale creep back up... and I really didn't do much to deserve that punishment.

I find it hard to come here when I'm down or frustrated. But if this was easy, everyone would do it. I'd rather be trying to do SOMETHING than sitting there complaining about my weight or health and doing nothing. So, something I must do!

Last night was Wednesday which means it was swim lesson night for me. I really do enjoy my swim lessons. I learn more every week and I learn to push myself outside of my comfort zone more and more. While doing laps by myself I've just gotten up to swimming 200 yards without a break. I've shaved about 5 minutes off of my time from last month and I can feel myself improving. Last night the instructor had us break it up a bit and decided to time our 100's. We did one as soon as we got in the water. I let the guy in my class go first because he's usually faster than me. I ended up having to pass him in the final lap! First 100 completed in 2:13. Not bad!! We did some different exercises. Some my shoulder hated and others were just fine. I felt good last night... swimming was just working. Just like when you have a good run... this was a good swim. Then she timed our final 100 yards. We each had our own lane by this point. Off we went. First 50 were smooth and easy... 75 and still feeling good. And then I hit the home stretch and OMG the charlie horse!!!!!! I got the WORST cramp in the back of my calf with about 5 yards to go. I basically just drug it along and pounded out those final yards with just my arms. I finished in 2:03!! So close to under the 2 minute mark! But improvement. I can see improvement and feel improvement. So, my homework this week is to swim my 100's broken up into 5 minute marks. Swim the 100 yards in however long it takes. Then wait till the 5 minute mark and go again. Do that up to 500 yards. The theory is that it will improve my time and stamina. Here's to nothing!!! I know I'll get some pool time on Sunday and maybe even Saturday. I'd also like to get out an enjoy this beautiful spring weather with an outdoor run (or whatever I can manage in the form of a run). It will all come together and hopefully I will be completing that indoor triathlon in April!

Until then... I will not give up. I will not succumb to my frustrations or that voice inside that is trying to sabotage me. I may not be seeing awesome success on the scale, but I know I'm doing things and eating food that are better for my overall health. We'll just keep on that path for now. I feel I can complain, as long as I don't give up. Fair right??

Oh and a quick recipe share... We finally got to try the cauliflower tots!! We left out the peppers and onions this time and probably could have chopped it a bit finer, but in the end they were actually pretty tasty! Two of the four kids were even heard saying, "Oooh I like this!" and "These are really good." So, I would consider it a great success!! Ours didn't look nearly as fancy either... but they tasted just fine!


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