Day 24 of 84 - Patience is a Virtue (One I Don't Have!)

I am not a patient person. Not at all. I've tried learning to be over the years and in some areas I've been successful. Weight loss is not one of them. Who knew once you hit your 30s so many things would go downhill. My friends and I often joke that we fell apart after 30. It's pretty true though. I have friends nursing injuries we never even considered might be a problem in our 20s. Which makes me wonder... what the heck are our 40s going to be like?!?! But, since having my second child, my ability to lose weight has slowed more and more each year. Has anyone seen my metabolism??? She took a vacation years ago and never returned. She sucks!

Needless to say, my scale is being stubborn, but I'm being stubborner (is that a word?)!! I refuse to give up. I'm under 200 pounds - barely - and I plan to stay there. Even with the plans for the next few days. This is life. We have to enjoy life, but that doesn't mean I have to give up on my goals. I just wish I could wave a magic wand most days. I don't mind working hard. I really enjoy working out, even if some days I have to mentally drag myself to the gym every step of the way! I am happier when I'm active. I enjoy the stress release of being active and I hate feeling weak. I just REALLY like to see progress to match my hard work. Don't get me wrong. I know I've had progress. I just want more! Yeah, I'm greedy like that.

True or what?!

So, what's on the agenda? How do I plan to battle this challenge? First, I'm upping my calories. I'm going to aim for 100 more each day next week and see how that goes. I have a suspicion that I may be under eating. The worst part is that some days I feel like I'm forcing myself to eat as it is. And that extra 100 calories needs to be healthy calories, not chocolate or something else equally yummy and naughty. I'm hitting the gym tomorrow with my girls and plan to check them into childcare for 1 hour to play while I "play" for an hour as well. Sunday I am hoping we are back in time to swim off some of the calories we are going to ingest on Saturday. But, if that doesn't happen, I'm off of work Monday and Tuesday and plan to hit the gym for double workouts both days. Followed by my weekly swim lessons on Wednesday. I will succeed!!

With that said, on the swimming note, my instructor is gently pushing us all toward signing up for the indoor triathlon on April 11th. Apparently three people from my class already signed up. So... peer pressure got the best of me and I'll be registering this week. It consists of a 10 minute swim, 20 minute bike and 15 minute run. Totally doable! I already had it on my radar, but after practicing turns in the pool last night, I decided that the best motivation will be signing up. You can't get a refund, so I'll do or die trying on that one!

As for "What's in the Bag?"... it's still pretty boring. Finishing up the yogurt and granola this week. Next week I can switch back and forth with shakes in the morning. I still have my salad-in-a-jar for lunch. And tonight after work we are donating blood, so we are stopping at Chipotle on the way home. I think I'm going to sample their burrito in a bowl to save the calories from the tortilla. This is my first outing where I'm being challenged to step outside my comfort zone in order to make the right choice. Wish me luck!


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