Take THAT Vacation Weight!!

When we got back from Disney, The Hubby and I both knew we needed to get right back on track. The difference is... He LOST two pounds on vacation and I gained SEVEN! Men suck!! Nah, I love him and I'm happy for him. Either way, we've been working hard this week to get a good jump on detoxing from all of the junk we ate down there. Thankfully, it paid off! The weight I gained on our trip is GONE, plus a little extra.

Not only the weight is gone, but I'm starting to feel a little more like myself again. The exhaustion of a 7-day vacation followed by daylight savings time three days after we got back turned me into a zombie! It was a form of exhaustion I don't think I've ever known... or at least remember. I guess it was probably very similar to the sleep deprived days when my girls were newborns, but those days are a blur.

So, now the biggest challenge will be to keep this train going. That's where I've been struggling these past few months. This is the lowest I have been on the scale since November and this is the best I've felt in my clothes for far too long. I need to hold onto that feeling. I just wish someone could explain to me why, as soon as I start feeling good, I start getting horrible cravings for everything!!

I don't just want chocolate... I want a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg, some Dove chocolate, a Snickers, a Twix, some brownies, chocolate chip cookies and a chocolate shake to top it all off. It doesn't stop there though! I would kill for some McDonald's french fries to go with that chocolate shake and a piece of Pizza Hut meet pizza... and maybe a bacon cheeseburger too! *sigh* Can you tell I'm totally PMSing???

On the other side of the coin, I am feeling good after getting to go to karate twice this week. Next week is sparring week. I haven't sparred in months. It's time. None of the doctors could confirm that participating in karate would hurt me worse, so I'm going to give it a whirl. Worst case, I find out my body can't handle it yet. Most likely it'll hurt, but that's nothing new anyway. It's time to test the waters.

Next week is the start of my second term of school. I figure since I made it through the first one, I'll definitely survive the second one. Plus, I officially passed the first class with our busy schedule, so I feel a bit more confident heading into the second one!

So, life has resumed after vacation and I'm pretty happy about where it's at. Willpower will be the name of the game for the next week or so while my body continues to detox from the junk and the sugar. Willpower is always the name of the game. I'll get there!! Next appointment with my specialist is April 11th. I'm sick of going in there showing a steady maintenance. We'll see if this current plan of attack can get it done! Eventually something has to help balance my body out a bit and help me head in the direction I'm working toward.


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