Back To Being Me!

Normal?! Ha!! I wouldn't last being normal for a day! I like being me. So, why the title then, right? I am finally feeling more and more like the person I was before I started falling apart five years ago. I've been randomly reading through old posts and realize that I've had a lot of injuries thrown my way these past few years. I'm FINALLY feeling like I'm back to being me.

Over the past five years I've struggled with the unexplained side pain under my right rib. While it's not gone and I still struggle some when I run or do extreme cardio, it's much more manageable now. It flares up occasionally, but it's nothing like it was when it was bothering me nonstop. I had issues with my left shoulder, which resulted in shoulder surgery and recovery. I've had knee issues (although that's been my whole life). The latest has been my collarbone pain. While it definitely is not gone, I'm finding a way to work around it and move forward. Again, it has it's times when it flares up pretty bad and sidelines me, but I'm finding a happy spot where I can enjoy the things I like to do without extreme pain.

I also still have another doc appointment for that particular pain in hopes that someone can tell me how to cure it, or where it stems from. That appointment is another week and a half away, so we'll see what results we get there. For now, I'm just happy that I don't wake up in pain and go to bed in pain. I'll call that progress.

The biggest reason for feeling like I'm finally back to being me is because I'm finally doing the things I enjoy again. I'm still careful and doing a lot of it in moderation, but I'm doing it!! I'm back to karate and participating in all classes, including sparring!! I haven't sparred in what feels like forever. It was exhausting, but I loved it! The best part is... I did not have extreme pain after. Let's face it, I'm getting old, so I have some pain. I just don't have the pain that will sideline me. I can handle this pain.

I sparred for the first time on Monday night and woke up Tuesday morning with sore legs, hips, arms... It felt so good!!! I worked hard and my body held up. It's been far too long since I've been able to say that. The go-getter side of me wants to go all out now. I want to get back into Muay Thai, I want to go running, I want to start training again for a triathlon... and FINISH one this time. I want to do it all! The seasoned side of me is having to pat that side on the back and say, "Slow down young grasshopper. Be patient." When did any part of me learn to grasp the concept of patience?!

End result is that this was a huge boost for my mental health. I was so frustrated and down when my body wouldn't let me do the things I wanted to. I hate being inactive and no one wants to be in daily pain. I have so much respect and sympathy for those who suffer from pain, because I know there are many who suffer far worse. It's taxing! It's taxing on your body, physically, on your emotions, and on your mental state. I'm so much happier when I'm active. When I'm happy and active I'm a better mom, wife, friend... I'm a better me. I'm just so happy to be finding that happy me again!

This is the point when my little pea brain starts to generate grand ideas! They don't always happen, but it's fun to dream again! How about a little insight into my crazy little brain?

This weekend I'm going to run. It's starting to get so nice out. The snow is gone and I'm getting the itch. I'm going to run! I'm also going to get my bike out. I might as well punish my body good if I'm going to make my muscles cry. And cry they will!!

We have a week off of karate next week. While I'm bummed, I'm welcoming a week of free evenings. Whatever will we do with all that time?!?! We also have all four kids pretty much all week. Plenty of time to get out for an evening run or two. Maybe even a trip to the pool to get some laps in for the first time this spring. I haven't been able to swim in far too long. I want to test the waters. (How about that pun???) Of course, I'll need to work in some homework. My first paper for my new class is due next Thursday.

If the run this weekend goes well, I'll register for my first 5K of the year! We're usually out of town for the Fitger's 5K, but since we went to Disney for our spring trip this year, we'll be home that weekend. Plus, The Hubby will be at work and the kiddos will all be with their other parent. I love this 5K! Lots of people, fun location and I've always run it with a good group of friends. I have three weeks from Saturday to train. No problem, man! After Fitger's I'll run in the kids' school's annual 5K in May.

This was all of the conversation in my head just during my shower this morning. My poor little hamster up there is going to go on strike!

It's good being me again. I like being me.


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