A Very Monday-ish Thursday!!

Oh does it ever feel like a Monday! UGH!! Thankfully, it is actually Thursday. That means tomorrow is Friday and this long week from H-E-double-hockey-sticks will be over. I can't exactly pinpoint why this week has been so horrible. Maybe because it's the first week after spring break... Or because I have 96 incoming students who have zero patience when it comes to waiting for the next bit of information about their upcoming educational journey... Or because I've spent the better part of the week PMSing with a horrible headache. You pick! I'm just ready for it to be over!! On a happy note, I have not stress binged, so there is that.

I think the hardest part about coming back from a long vacation is dealing with the fact that it's over and it'll be quite a while before you have another one. Sad, sad realization! Although, this weekend is pretty free, so I'm looking forward to relaxing. The Hubby and I actually have a date night on Saturday with tattoo appointments! Then, on Sunday I get to spend some girl time with my best friend. So, I just need to make it through the rest of the week. I think I can... I think I can...


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