New Look... Same Mama!

I decided it was time for a blog makeover! I've been blogging here since the very end of 2010. After over six years, it was time for a new look. What do you think??

The change goes with my mood today. I am beyond bored with the clothes in my closet. My closet needs a makeover! Plus, this time of year I want to start rearranging the house, so I want to give my house a makeover. This is what spring does to me though.

Yesterday was the first day of spring... longer days, more sunshine, warmer weather, our snow is almost gone, the grass will start turning green... It's a time of growth and change. I love when I can smell spring instead of winter on the air when I walk outside. Yup, I'm a sucker for this time of year. Time to open the windows and air out our germ infested house that's been on lock down for the past six months!

Back to the closet makeover. I've spent the winter months clearing out the things that I no longer wear. Once every few weeks I've sent The Hubby to Goodwill with some donation bags full of the kids' outgrown clothes and toys and my unwanted clothes. I realized last night that I need to part with more. Time to make room for new stuff! I am not at my happy size yet, but that won't stop me from scouring the 2nd hand stores for some new threads. We'll call it a mid-progress closet makeover. I'm finally STAYING below that horrible number on the scale. None of my "fat pants" are tight on me anymore. It's time for a little reward!

I've decided to make a motivational reward list for moving forward. I've hit my 10 pound mark and gotten back into ONEderland, so I'm rewarding myself with a couple of items for my drab closet. Moving forward, I'll add a little incentive for my hard work. There's a catch though. I have to hit the goal weight and KEEP the scale there for a week to earn my reward. That way I'll be less likely to "celebrate" my success (read that as binge on naughty foods) and ruin my hard earned progress. Plus, it's a way to keep the makeover going strong throughout my journey!

So, here's what I came up with...

My doc wants me to lose 45 pounds and maintain it for 2 years. He actually followed that up with, "So, you and I are going to be friends for the next few years!" So far, we've been exclusive for three months, so that's saying something right?

Like The Hubby said this weekend... This time something feels different. I feel like I did when I started THM the first time. It's effortless to make the right choices. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I don't stress my food. It feels natural to make good choices. I'm not freaking out over the scale. Eventually it will join the party and I'll see it gradually decrease. I'm in a good place. I want to keep going. I want to eat clean foods. I'm finding that treats with sugar in them are too sweet. My body craves water and I chug it nonstop. It's just... different. Hopefully different is good.

I have a long way to go yet, but I have all the time in the world to get there. I started this blog six years and almost 40 pounds ago. It was time to give it a new look because, much like when I started this blog, I'm ready for a change!


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