Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

I'm still alive! Life is finally returning to a slight bit of normalcy, FINALLY! September and October have been chaotic to say the least. I think I've started everyone one of my posts lately (you know, the two or three I was able to post) saying how crazy busy life is. Well, it's finally back to just our normal crazy, which I can handle!

Let's see... Cliff's Notes update:

Our Awesome Foursome:

They've been thoroughly enjoying all of the fall fun available. They've gone apple picking, to the pumpkin patch, experienced their first homecoming, planned Halloween costumes, and helped prep the house for our annual Halloween party. Well, they also went to school, karate and hockey, but those happen on a normal day! The kids are off to the races as far as their school year goes though. Homework is a part of our nightly routine, but we've got a pretty good system. 

Emmylou is loving that she now gets to be a crossing guard and help the art teacher a recess. Oh, the perks of being at the top of the totem pole! She also adores her class pets - a hedgehog and a hamster. She's working hard in the advanced class at karate. She was surprised at how different it was (she's in a class with red and black belts and is currently the only brown belt). She will test for her advanced brown belt (brown with black stripe) in December.

Kenziebug is cruising along in 4th grade and is very excited about her upcoming music program. This girl is always humming a tune and loves to perform! She is enjoying the intermediate class at karate as an advanced green belt (green with black stripe). It's nice to have her and Em in different classes because we're seeing them learn with new partners, instead of always partnering up together!

Abbycakes is keeping us all on our toes, but is really enjoying 2nd grade. She's still struggling with her reading/spelling this year, but she works very hard at it. I know one day it will finally click for her. She tells me her favorite subject is math, well art and then math. Goofy kid! Art is definitely better! She started her second year of hockey and promptly fell at a birthday party and broke her wrist! Thankfully, it's a simple buckle fracture and only requires three weeks in a cast, and she managed to break her first cast. In her defense, the guy didn't put enough layers in one area on the first cast. She is released to play hockey and go to karate though. She is currently loving both!

JackJack is doing much better in 1st grade than he did in kindergarten. He's finally finding his stride and is challenged enough not to get bored and disrupt the class. We've truly watched him turn into a big kid this year and he's enjoying school a lot more because of it! It's fun to watch him hand over his daily update with pride, knowing he had a good day. He's doing very well in the "big kid" class in karate as well. He's in the beginners class (he and Abby are in class together) and working toward his advanced yellow belt (yellow with black stripe). He thoroughly enjoys that he finally gets to spar!

The Hubby & I:

Apparently I never get a pic of The Hubby by himself, 
so I'll have to share one of both of us!

The Hubby finished his first term at his new school. After he received his AA, he transferred to a school that has a Fire Management Program. He is also enjoying school a lot more now that he's taking courses geared toward his major! Speaking of broken bones... the same week Abbycakes broke her wrist, The Hubby chipped a piece of bone off of one of his knuckles. Exciting week at our house!! Oh yeah, and he's enjoying karate too! Actually, the adult classes got extended to 90 minute classes, so he and I are both wiped out after most nights at karate!

Oooh and check out what The Hubby made for me (I actually helped with the one on top of the house). Pinterest strikes again!!

 As for me, I've been on hold for a semester of school because I changed majors. I am now in a program that moves forward as a cohort. Everyone in the cohort takes the same classes together at the same time. Since I already had the first two courses of the program, I got to sit on the sidelines this semester. Today I registered for my spring and summer semester courses. I am officially registered for my entire first year of the program. I'll have two more semesters of courses to take and then my final semester will be completing my capstone project. I think it's going to go very fast! Karate is going well for me, now that I can finally go again. That bout of bronchitis knocked me flat on my behind for a while! I've been to one muay thai class since my sash test. This week I will hopefully get two more. My energy just wasn't there until now, but Abbycakes's hockey schedule also interferes with me making it to class some nights. I miss it though.

Sorry, that was still super long! Anyway... I'm excited to have things settle down a bit. The Hubby and I even got away for our annual fall vacation. We definitely needed the time away to enjoy each other. It was crazy to have a conversation without being interrupted by a kid!

I'm happy to report that I enjoyed myself (a possibly a little too much wine) on our vacation and as of today I'm actually DOWN on the scale from where I was before we left. WOOHOO!! I lost a lot of my definition and toned look while I was sick, so I'm focusing on that now. Still moving in the right direction anyway! I got right back on track yesterday and it felt good. This week I definitely looking forward to returning to my normal routine. Bring it on!


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