Races... Birthdays... Hello Summer!

We have definitely jumped into summer with both feet! All of the kids are officially out of school and "Daddy Daycare" commenced as of this morning! The hubby gets all four kids on his days off, unless my two are with their dad. It's been a crazy transition because summer camp hasn't started yet for the weeks that the hubby works. Pure craziness!!

Last Friday the girls and I ran our first race of the season. It's been over a year since I have attempted to pound out a 5K. I'm still paying for it!! My youngest ended up lagging back with Nana and eventually opting to sit out the final lap with my best friend and her son who were cheering us all on while her daughter ran the race as well. My oldest decided to take control of our 6-month-old Rat Terrier. The two of them ended up running through most of the race. This meant that MOM got to keep up with them (more out of fear of her dropping the leash and the dog running away than letting the almost-8-year-old run ahead of me). It's a small race and it's a fundraiser for her school, so we know most of the people in attendance. I was so proud of her though! She finished her first full 5K without stopping (she even put on a bit more mileage because she forgot to turn with the rest of the pack at one point LOL) in just 48 minutes. She kept up a 15 minute mile. I'm so proud of her. She has her Mama's legs... SHORT! We aren't really built for speed, but she sure had the stamina.

My Mighty Racers

The next day the hubby ran the First Annual Insane Inflatables race. I was pretty jealous! It looks like a blast. It's a 5K filled with giant bounce house type obstacles along the way. He said it was pretty fun and would definitely do it again next year. Of course, my two piped up and said they wanted to do it too! We'll have to see how many kids we have for that one. It could get spendy! And I'm super happy to report that his injured leg was thoroughly tested in this race and he said it held up quite nicely. WOOHOO!

Today is my little one's 5th birthday. I told you we kick off the summer with a big bang! She was so excited all day yesterday that she only had "ONE MORE DAY"! I loved the excitement on her face this morning as she got ready for her day with me. She is downright pumped that she is now five and is going to kindergarten! Top that off with Big Sister having her first softball practice EVER tonight... I had happy and excited girls this morning!

As for me... Still trying to figure out the side pain. I was in horrible pain the entire race with my big girl. I have yet to find someone who can tell me what it is. PT has basically told me that they aren't making any progress and are just wasting my money by continuing on since we haven't found even a tiny bit of relief. So... I'll keep searching for answers there. My other PT (for my shoulder) is beyond impressed with my progress. I hit the pool last week and loved it. It felt great!! I had no problems and only minor tenderness after. It was more tired than anything. My 6-week follow up with my surgeon is Thursday. We'll see what he has to say, but I'm pretty impressed. I have days where I don't even have a single thought about it. No pain, not even a twinge. That's a HUGE improvement over where I was at two months ago!


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