Long Short Week!

Why is it that short weeks always feel like they are 10x longer than a regular week? Our offices are closed on Friday - YAHOO!! Of course, each day leading up to that day off will feel longer, and longer, and longer... Then the holiday weekend will go POOF! And we'll all be back at work again. Ahhhh, the joys of being an adult! My kids have no sense of time during the summer. I'd be surprised if they could tell you what day it is today, but that's as it should be. Soon enough, we'll be working on early bedtimes and earlier rises in preparation for school! How is it already July tomorrow?!?! Soon, this will be our youngest for sure! The oldest will be happy to get back to all of her friends and the two in between are pretty go with the flow when it comes to school.

We have two of the four for the holiday weekend. They are so excited! I love seeing the holidays through kids' eyes. I loved all holidays growing up, but the summer holidays were the best. We were usually at a lake or a cabin, with complete freedom on our bikes and our swim suits never left our bodies!

So, I've tried to make sure to give my kids the same memories. We will seldom have our other two for the 4th of July, but most years we will have mine (in exchange for their dad having Memorial Day Weekend to do annual festivities with his family). Since the summer after the hubby and I started dating, I've taken the girls to the town he used to work in (and where his sister and her family still live) for the parade and family festivities. Last year was their first year riding in the back of a truck and throwing candy for the fire department. This year we're going to shake it up a bit and resort back to old traditions of holiday fun at the cabin. Both places are so dear to my heart and I'll miss seeing our amazing group of friends that we see each year in that town, but with limited weekends to fit it all in, I just felt the cabin calling us this year. Here's a little throw back to my girls' first 4th of July's - both were at the cabin.

Boo was well out of smiles by this point in the weekend, but I had to show the matching outfits!

Awwww! They grow up so fast! Same cabin location, two different cabins (my parents were in the midst of building the new cabin when the first pic was taken). Definitely lots of memories in just these few pictures. Crazy how that works. Okay... on with the show!

So, either way you look at it... HOLIDAYS = TEMPTATIONS! So, I've been scouring Pinterest in the evenings looking for simple, quick, THM friendly recipes and snacks to shake it up and even share for the holiday. I've found a few options and a ton of info. Then POOF a couple of hours of my evening just disappeared! But I plan to go into it prepared for sure. The best part is that I will have access to the kitchen if I want, or I can choose to just eat the protein that's served and leave the carbs for everyone else to play it safe. Either way, we will have a blast!!

As for last night's recipe... Here ya go!

We always critique the food as we are eating it and it hit us after we were eating that he substituted Italian bread crumbs with plain almond flour. Well, that left out the nice Italian seasonings, so we'll have to fix that next time. Just a little tweaking to do, but we'll definitely have that one again. The two grilled bacon wrapped asparagus that managed to escape the hubby's horrible track record with bacon were really good too. The others, well, they would make great charcoal. It'll all good though, we added salads and dinner was a success. We will definitely try the grilled bacon wrapped asparagus again soon too!

Tonight's dinner is mozzarella stuffed meatballs on Dreamfields pasta. This is the one pasta that is THM friendly, but be sure to watch your serving size and the amount of sugar in your sauce!


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