1... 2... 3... JUMP!!

I know I've mentioned it here before, but I bought a book called Trim Healthy Mama about a year ago now. I've read it a couple of times, I've followed their Facebook groups and read dozens of success stories, and I've even toyed with a recipe here and there. But let's be honest, the idea of giving up sugar, white flours, potatoes... my so very loved McD's french fries included *tear*, and my even more beloved Diet Coke... Yeah, it took some serious mental prep to get to the point that the hubby and I did yesterday. Yesterday was the day! The day we jumped into a whole knew world of food combinations knowing we were leaving our safety foods behind. What an utterly scary concept. Not just because it's something new, but the idea of going without sugar, yummy bad-for-you carbs and soda... HA! Yeah, I'll be honest, I'm still scared. And to be completely honest, I wasn't going to share here until I was a week or two in, but I want to document it in case I want to look back on it. Plus, I like new things. I'll try just about anything once!

Trim Healthy Mama (THM) in a nut shell... You have S (satisfying) meals, E (energy meals) and FP (fuel pull) meals. S meals are higher in fat, but lower in carbs. You cannot exceed 10g of carbs in an S meal. E is higher in HEALTHY carbs and lower in fat. Carbs for an E meal stay between 10-45g and fat is under 5g. Then the fuel pull is the cleanest of all - under 10g of carbs and under 5g of fat. Definitely not the meals you want to eat all day every day, but they do give your metabolism a boost. The next part is that you can't change meal types for 2 1/2-3 hours. They still stress eating 5-6x a day, pushing fluids and being active as well. Anyway... that's the elevator story version. It's actually a bit more complex than that, but if you find that you're interested after watching my progress, feel free to shoot me a message here, by email or on FB and I'll gladly give you more info! This is not a plan you have to pay money to join or anything and you can do it strictly by using every day foods (although there are specialty items for those who like to explore a bit more). It's just a book that explains the plan, how it works and why, and you're left to you own planning and experimenting.

Yesterday was day 1. We both survived. I had a very mild background headache due to lack of caffeine since I didn't have my daily naughty coffee. But my checking account will thank me for that at the end of the week! I also had a slight mishap on Father's Day (the day before) and sliced off the tip of my pinkie finger, so the pain from that was complete trumping the headache!

So, what did our meal plan look like for the day?

Here's mine:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (FP) - made with low carb protein shake, almond milk and ice

Snack: 1% cottage cheese & blueberries (enough to fit into one of those tiny tupperware containers. Maybe 1/4 - 1/3 cup?) (FP)

Lunch: Salad with turkey, mixed greens, peppers, cucumbers and sugar free balsamic with a side of almonds (S)

Snack: Apple and low fat string cheese (E)

Dinner: Rotisserie chicken breast (without the skin) w/a Joseph's Pita topped with garlic powder and cheese and baked for 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Cheesy Garlic Pita! I made that one up! (S)

Dessert: Chocolate Cake in a Mug with light whip cream (S)

I stayed full pretty much all day. I made one of their specialty drinks - Good Girl Moonshine (you can find them all over Pinterest) to help curb my need for a sweet drink. I drank plenty of water - my goal being 100oz a day. And my girls absolutely LOVED the muffin in a mug (that recipe comes from the book and I can't post it here, but it fulfilled my sweet needs for sure). No sugar or similar sweetener (corn syrup, etc). No white grains. But I did have about 1/2 a bottle of Diet Coke that was left in my work bag. I'll have to work on that one. I caved at about 9pm. *sigh* But I survived!! I didn't feel deprived or like I just HAD to have something I couldn't, but it was also the first day.

The hubby did awesome too. Here's his meal plan for yesterday:

Breakfast; two whole eggs fried w/two turkey sausage (S)

Snack: Greek yogurt with truvia (an ok sweetener on plan) and raspberry extract. Tasted just like a regular fruit yogurt (FP)

Lunch: Tuna Salad (1/2 can of tuna with light mayo to consistency) & greens in a Joseph's pita (he filled each half) (E)

Snack: Fat Stripping Frappe (I think you can find this one on Pinterest too. For me its a good substitute for my naughty coffee only it's cold. For him it was a little caffeine burst later in the day) (FP)

Dinner: Chicken Breast & lemon brown rice I believe. He cooked for the station since he was at work. (E)

After posting on the THM Facebook group, I found out that we need more fat. In weight loss mode, you want more meals with fat and less meals with carbs, so we need to make sure we're changing that up a bit. Otherwise... I think we did good. It's a major learning curve, but we both vowed to give it a solid effort for 30 days. Day 1 is complete and Day 2 is under way without any fatal errors so far!

Since I haven't shared a recipe in a while, here's tonight's dinner after my oldest's softball game...

Lettuce Wrapped Cheese Burgers

I'll let you know the verdict on this one. Going bunless is not a new thing to either the hubby or I, but I can't say I don't love buns! We'll each tweak this recipe to fit our individual tastes and we get to add bacon. BRING IT ON!!


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