Back in the saddle

The wonders of a blog!! After pouring everything out in my last post, I was able to convince myself to get back on track. No more emotional eating... it wasn't worth the post-food guilt trip I was giving myself. Funny, but eating to ease my emotional pain doesn't have the same effect it used to have. I actually just felt worse. No sense making myself feel worse than bad right?? :)

Unfortunately, I didn't get my exercise on track quite as quickly. Abby was sick for a few days, turns out it was an odd strain of strep (that thankfully hasn't been passed on to anyone else) and had a high fever for three days. I was exhausted!!! Anyway...

Tuesday: Yoga (I'm actually really enjoying it!)
Wednesday: Upper body weights and ab workout
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: We walked and walked and walked... it was a shopping day! My legs and knees were so sore after. LOL We wished we'd worn pedometers to see how many miles we actually logged that day.
Sunday: None
Monday: 3.1 mile run

So, a very slacking week as far as exercise, but I'm back on track!! Yesterday's run definitely worked my muscles... they are less than happy today! LOL But thankfully, I stayed on track with food... even over the weekend! And weekends are my downfall for sure! With a fun packed weekend, I'm pretty proud of myself. :)

10 days till Vegas... I've got this!!!! My plan for the week is exercise every day (even if it's only an arm and ab workout), plan my meals (which I've been slacking on), and WATER WATER WATER! It's warmed up here and I know I'll pay the price if I don't work on my water intake! :)


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