Tomorrow is the final weigh in for the spring challenge. I probably could have done a little better, but I'm proud of how I did. Life will always get in the way of my best laid plans and challenges will always arise. I'm proud of how I did.

It finally hit me today. Actually, I should say AS OF today I'm fine with whatever the number is on that scale tomorrow morning. I looked in the mirror at work and wasn't disgusted by what I saw. I was happy with it. Sure, I'd love to lose another 20+ pounds and tone up, but I've come a long way and I am pretty happy with my current size.

I'm solidly wearing 11/12 pants/jeans and large shirts. I tried on a sweatshirt at the store on campus on Tuesday. It was an XL and it was huge on me. Yes, it was a men's fit, but there once was a time that I was busting out of men's XL shirts and sweatshirts. To know they are now too big on me makes me feel awesome!

Four years ago today I was in Vegas with my best friend. I was pretty dang proud of myself at the time. I was single, I was on my first adult trip outside of the tri-state area and I was down 20+ pounds from my second highest weight ever.

I look back at those pics now and see how far I've come in the last four years - mentally, physically, the whole nine yards! So, I decided to end my challenge on a happy note with a quick TBT comparison.

I love looking back and enjoying the trip down memory lane of that awesome weekend with great friends, but I'm happy to look at this pictures and know that even though I get frustrated from time to time, I've made progress! Shoot! I'm down another 20 pounds since that trip and I've pretty much kept it that way for the last couple of years. Yes, I have gained some back here and there, but I have always managed to get it back down.

So, here are the final comparisons...

May 2012 vs January 2016

April 2016 vs May 2012

I'll post my weight tomorrow, but no promises on a post, so I wish you all a very safe and happy Memorial Day weekend! Hugs and prayers to the families and friends of all of the fallen who have faught for our country... not just this weekend, but always!


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