Day 26 of 40 - The Curse of Friday the 13th!
Dry run with the new, earlier morning schedule... EPIC FAIL!!
I prepped the girls last night that we were going to get up early to practice for when I start my new job after next week. They were all set and I was all set. I got them both to bed on time last night, packed lunches and snacks and tried to get to bed earlier than usual. Then I got sidetracked by cleaning my bedroom and hanging up clothes that really needed to be hung up and POOF it was 11:30. *sigh* Well, I tried.
I got up at the earlier time. Emmy Lou was already in the kitchen when I got upstairs (she sets an alarm most nights). I coaxed Abbycakes out of bed by telling her she only has three more Fridays of school after this and only two until her birthday! That child is far too much like her mama in the morning. Neither of us is a fan of mornings, especially if someone is forcing us to get up when we don't want to! Thankfully, she was in pretty good spirits after the birthday announcement.
While both kids served themselves breakfast, I jumped in the shower. We were right on schedule all morning. The girls would try to be pokey, but I kept them on track and even managed to do something with Abbycakes's unruly hair before we left (Emmy Lou does her own... she pretty much insists now *sigh*).
I dropped both girls off at EXACTLY the time I planned to drop them off, gave hugs and kisses and pulled away from the school with a solid 30 minutes to get myself up to my new job (which I clocked at 14 minutes from the exact location I was at this morning with easy traffic). Totally doable! I was patting myself on the back with a big smile on my face as I parked in my usual spot for my final Friday of my current job. I even had a nice little bounce in my step.
Then it hit me! I had forgotten my lunch at home. GRRR!!!
This isn't a big deal when you live five minutes from work, but it will be at the new job. I immediately texted The Hubby who had already seen it sitting on the counter all by it's lonesome self. Hey, bonus! I left the dogs out since I knew The Hubby would be home within minutes of me leaving and they didn't snag it, rip it open and eat all of it's contacts, so we have that much.
Needless to say, my hoppy step had turned in to more of a shuffle as I realized that my successful morning hadn't been so successful, but it was still Friday!
After our daily morning meeting, I came back to my office to grab my coffee cup for my single, morning dose of Anti-Crabass liquid so many call coffee when I realized that since I had forgotten my lunch bag, I had also forgotten my coffee creamer. *face palm* Sheer panic set in and, again, I furiously texted The Hubby to get an ETA on the forgotten bag.
He was out for a run...
Wait, I must. Frustrated I shall be!
He finally texts me back a bit later that he's going to shower and then bring me my bag and mentions that he hit his steps already this morning. GAH!! Son of a... Yup! Forgot my Fitbit on the charger at home.
Like I said... F. A. I. L.
Hey, at least it was a practice run right?? I'll just blame it on the fact that today is Friday the 13th! And I'll be thankful that I don't know anyone with an old goalie mask!
Anyway... my Fitbit is now snugly on my wrist, my coffee has been consumed (so feel free to speak to me if you see me now), and my lunch bag is in it's spot. I feel much better now. Hopefully the morning I really do have to go to the new job goes much smoother than this morning did!
I'm so ready for the next few days to cruise on by. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to a day to myself to do whatever I want. My plan is at least a swim and a bike, but I may just push myself to do a mini-sprint triathlon while I'm there. Not for speed, but to prove that I can do it! Oooh, I like that idea. I could do a 15-20-15... 15 minute swim, 10 minute transition, 20 minute bike, 5 minute transition and 15 minute run. By golly, I think I've got it! The wind gusts are supposed to be over 40mph on Saturday, so outdoor anything is out of the question. This seems like the perfect solution. TA-DAH!
On Sunday two of the kiddos come home and four of us compete in the karate tournament. Emmy Lou will be with her dad, but he'll bring her to the tournament. That leaves The Hubby, Kenziebug and I as the other three competitors. I'm also teaming up with another individual in my class to compete in a team event. I'm nervous!!
That brings us back to the work week which is PACKED! My last three days of work, karate (belt test coming up!), a spring concert for the girls, eye appointments, doc appointments, a massage for me, Girl Scout party (since we had to reschedule this week), the girls' school's annual 5K and finally Girl Scout Camp Cleanup and the other troop's end of the year party over the weekend. WHEW!!! Sheer craziness. Throw in my triathlon training and I have a feeling this next week is going to fly.
Anywho... I'll leave you all with this because I really needed to stumble across this one again today!
I prepped the girls last night that we were going to get up early to practice for when I start my new job after next week. They were all set and I was all set. I got them both to bed on time last night, packed lunches and snacks and tried to get to bed earlier than usual. Then I got sidetracked by cleaning my bedroom and hanging up clothes that really needed to be hung up and POOF it was 11:30. *sigh* Well, I tried.
I got up at the earlier time. Emmy Lou was already in the kitchen when I got upstairs (she sets an alarm most nights). I coaxed Abbycakes out of bed by telling her she only has three more Fridays of school after this and only two until her birthday! That child is far too much like her mama in the morning. Neither of us is a fan of mornings, especially if someone is forcing us to get up when we don't want to! Thankfully, she was in pretty good spirits after the birthday announcement.
While both kids served themselves breakfast, I jumped in the shower. We were right on schedule all morning. The girls would try to be pokey, but I kept them on track and even managed to do something with Abbycakes's unruly hair before we left (Emmy Lou does her own... she pretty much insists now *sigh*).
I dropped both girls off at EXACTLY the time I planned to drop them off, gave hugs and kisses and pulled away from the school with a solid 30 minutes to get myself up to my new job (which I clocked at 14 minutes from the exact location I was at this morning with easy traffic). Totally doable! I was patting myself on the back with a big smile on my face as I parked in my usual spot for my final Friday of my current job. I even had a nice little bounce in my step.
Then it hit me! I had forgotten my lunch at home. GRRR!!!
This isn't a big deal when you live five minutes from work, but it will be at the new job. I immediately texted The Hubby who had already seen it sitting on the counter all by it's lonesome self. Hey, bonus! I left the dogs out since I knew The Hubby would be home within minutes of me leaving and they didn't snag it, rip it open and eat all of it's contacts, so we have that much.
Needless to say, my hoppy step had turned in to more of a shuffle as I realized that my successful morning hadn't been so successful, but it was still Friday!
After our daily morning meeting, I came back to my office to grab my coffee cup for my single, morning dose of Anti-Crabass liquid so many call coffee when I realized that since I had forgotten my lunch bag, I had also forgotten my coffee creamer. *face palm* Sheer panic set in and, again, I furiously texted The Hubby to get an ETA on the forgotten bag.
He was out for a run...
Wait, I must. Frustrated I shall be!
He finally texts me back a bit later that he's going to shower and then bring me my bag and mentions that he hit his steps already this morning. GAH!! Son of a... Yup! Forgot my Fitbit on the charger at home.
Like I said... F. A. I. L.
Hey, at least it was a practice run right?? I'll just blame it on the fact that today is Friday the 13th! And I'll be thankful that I don't know anyone with an old goalie mask!
Anyway... my Fitbit is now snugly on my wrist, my coffee has been consumed (so feel free to speak to me if you see me now), and my lunch bag is in it's spot. I feel much better now. Hopefully the morning I really do have to go to the new job goes much smoother than this morning did!
I'm so ready for the next few days to cruise on by. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to a day to myself to do whatever I want. My plan is at least a swim and a bike, but I may just push myself to do a mini-sprint triathlon while I'm there. Not for speed, but to prove that I can do it! Oooh, I like that idea. I could do a 15-20-15... 15 minute swim, 10 minute transition, 20 minute bike, 5 minute transition and 15 minute run. By golly, I think I've got it! The wind gusts are supposed to be over 40mph on Saturday, so outdoor anything is out of the question. This seems like the perfect solution. TA-DAH!
On Sunday two of the kiddos come home and four of us compete in the karate tournament. Emmy Lou will be with her dad, but he'll bring her to the tournament. That leaves The Hubby, Kenziebug and I as the other three competitors. I'm also teaming up with another individual in my class to compete in a team event. I'm nervous!!
That brings us back to the work week which is PACKED! My last three days of work, karate (belt test coming up!), a spring concert for the girls, eye appointments, doc appointments, a massage for me, Girl Scout party (since we had to reschedule this week), the girls' school's annual 5K and finally Girl Scout Camp Cleanup and the other troop's end of the year party over the weekend. WHEW!!! Sheer craziness. Throw in my triathlon training and I have a feeling this next week is going to fly.
Anywho... I'll leave you all with this because I really needed to stumble across this one again today!
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