Day 17 of 40 - What I Learned About Myself By Liking Something Every Day

I decided to reflect a bit on my almost-full-month of talking about things that I like about myself. For those who missed them all, here's a recap for ya...

  1. Calves
  2. Eyes
  3. Nails
  4. Smile
  5. Stubbornness
  6. Legs
  7. Long Torso
  8. Teeth
  9. Wrists
  10. Sense of Adventure
  11. Ears
  12. Nose
  13. Imagination
  14. Stretch Marks
  15. Ability to Bounce Back
  16. Tattoos
  17. Dimple
  18. Love of Learning
  19. Love for Teaching
  20. Hair
  21. Strength
  22. Shoulders
  23. Belly
  24. Drive/Flame Inside
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. The "What I Love About Me" section of my posts over the last month made me do just what I was hoping it would. It made me stop and take a moment to appreciate something about myself. 

It's so easy to pick yourself apart or beat yourself down over things, especially things we can't control. Sure, I'd love to have a smaller butt, less flab on my arms, a tone body and pre-mom perky boobs, but this is who I am! I love my body and what it does for me everyday - even if some days it does those things with much complaint! I can run, walk, skate, do karate, play with my kids, go out on adventures with my husband, or enjoy girls nights and nothing stops me! My body does what I ask it to do and there are far too many people who can't say the same. I love myself and my body... sometimes I just need to remember that!

Alrighty then, moving on...

Have I shared my awesome, new coffee mug yet??

Isn't it cute?!? I love it and yes, I'm a dork and that was a perfect example of my Red Car Syndrome (much like "SQUIRREL" from Up... easily distracted).

So, it's no secret that I am not a morning person, but have you ever seen dogs that are not morning dogs? I have two!

Notice how she will not make eye contact with me? She curls up under the covers at the foot of the bed and plays statue. You can call her as many times as you like and she will not come to you. You have to go in, pick her up and CARRY her to the kennel!

Big dog, on the other hand, apparently kenneled himself this morning and then proceeded to pout about it! They are so pathetic!! Might I add that they were going to be in the kennel for a total of maybe two hours before The Hubby got home from running kids to school and doing his workout?!? They seriously guilt trip me worse than the kids do!

I have some awesome news... Last night was my first 70 degree weather run! WOOHOO!! It felt a bit cooler since it was windy, but it felt amazing! I was so anxious to get out and do that run. I worked my overtime, ran home to change my clothes and drove out to my favorite running path. I felt great from the start!

I use two apps when I run. I'm OCD about it. I had a full run that one app didn't track and got frustrated, so now I always used two (unless it's too long of a run and going to kill my battery on my phone - like when I run a half or something). Plus, the one app works with my heart rate monitor when I wear it. Gotta love all of the fun gadgets you can use these days.

I have both apps set to tell me my split time at every mile. Imagine my surprise when the little voice from the app told me my first split put me at just over 11 minutes for my first mile. HOLY CRAP!!! My first run back this year my splits were in the 15 minute mile area. My fastest to date was 12:05 during a two mile run. Then piped up a bit later telling me that my second mile was 10-something. Say what?!? That wasn't even normal when I ran regularly back in 2012 & 2013!! I finished my final mile just over 11 minutes with a humongous smile on my face. I was, and still am, over the moon happy with that run and where I'm at.

Check out that average pace!!! I'm just... WOW!!! I was going to stop at 3 miles, but decided I needed to go the full 5K just to see and ended up doing it in 34:23!! My last actual 5K race where I ran under 35 minutes was almost exactly 3 years ago and I remember the excruciating pain I was in when I finished! The one before that was November 2012!!! I've did a few races between and have raced since, but never finished anywhere near that time. Plus, my route last night wasn't extremely flat! The best part is... I have room for improvement. I am still sticking to my 4:1 Run:Walk - run 4 minutes, walk 1 - for all of my runs. It helps, I love it and it's working. No need to mess with the system right now!

Alright... I'm done gushing about it now. I have to say that I cannot discount the fact that my running faster, farther and with very minimal pain may have a direct relation to how I am eating. My side pain isn't 100% gone. I'll feel it when I'm sitting on the couch or in my office chair some days. It's not daily like it was though. I'm not a lot lighter than what I was when I ran a few years ago, but my body feels different. My knees are angrier this time around, but that's arthritis for ya! They recover pretty fast too. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's going so well this time around. I don't think diet is the main player, but probably a big player in how I well I perform!

Moving on... Tonight is Girl Scouts (final meeting for the little ones) and karate. Tomorrow I have to submit the registrations for our first "family" run. We don't have two of the kids that night, so it'll just be four of us running, but my girls and I have done it almost every year since Emmy Lou was in preschool! They really look forward to it every year. I'll also get out for my final training run before the 10K on Saturday. Friday is NOTHING... no plans, no training... a complete rest night! BRING IT ON!

I also need to report that I'm 100% back on track after a horrible weekend of food. I plan to stay that way this weekend too. We are almost 1/2 way there and I'm going to do this! Tomorrow is Thursday and I have some serious Throwbacks for ya. I should have used them yesterday for Transformation Tuesday, but oh well. Either way... stay tuned!!


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