Day 30 of 40 - Home Stretch Baby!!

It'st he final 10 days of my spring challenge, which means there are just 10 days until Memorial Day Weekend! WOOHOO!! The official kick off of summer. I'm so ready!

So, no karate last night. Abbycakes was sleeping when I got home from work - a very rare occurrance since she gave up naps when she was two! She didn't want to eat anything, had a fever and complained that everything hurt. Poor kiddo! So, I gave her some meds and we snuggled on the couch with a chocolate shake for her and the movie Maleficent per her request. Then she and I picked up the other kids after their karate class and got everyone showered and in bed while The Hubby stayed for the adult class. I have more opportunities to go to classes than he does, so it made more sense for him to stay.

Thankfully, this morning Abbycakes was back to her usual self again. No fever, no body aches and she ate breakfast! Hopefully she's on the mend, but she's still going to the doc this afternoon to be sure we don't need another round of antibiotics. So far she's had this darn fever come and go for the past six days. She has a day without and then a day with, then a day without.... I want it go to and stay gone!

Enough about the sickness in my house. On to funner topics!

I'll have a couple of product reviews to report on soon. I have two new running products to use.

I ordered some Bondi Bands with their latest grab bag offer. It's still going on if you're interested. You get 10 headband for $20. Here's my grab bag results. You may notice I'm missing one...

Did I mention they are totally kid approved too?!?

She wore this one to karate last night and even wanted to wear it to bed! Abbycakes nabbed the yellow "Peace Love Soccer" one and Kenziebug chose the one on the bottom left. All of the girls are officially set for our first family run... whenever we manage to make that happen. For now, they love using them as fashion headbands. I'll try mine out on Friday at the race.

I've also been looking for an option for carrying my phone and keys when I run. I used to use an armband and tie my key to my shoe, but the key faub to the Explorer is huge and annoying on my shoe, so I needed another idea. That brings me to my second product I'm trying out... The FlipBelt.

I have the pink one. I wore it for my bike/run at the gym last weekend, but it was hard to decide if I liked it or not based on a treadmill run, so I'll wear it at the race as well to get a good feel if I like it or not. The best part about this particular race is that if I need to take the belt off, I can drop it off on the second or third lap around with a friend who's spectating.

Now for a fun little recipe review!

Those who are familiar with Trim Healthy Mama (THM) or their Facebook groups have probably heard of these two sippers, but I wanted to give them a bit of a spotlight today since I am enjoying both today.

The one on the left is The Shrinker. This recipe is straight out of the THM cookbook, but went viral last year, so they openly shared it with the public on their site. The concentrate is made from Oolong Tea, unsweetened almond milk, xylitol, vanilla, cinnamon and cayenne pepper. It's definitely an interesting, zippy drink but if you like iced coffees, this one may be right up your alley. There are some strong similarities. Like the recipe states, "it's thermogenic-boosting ingredience promote energy and help speed up metabolism." It's a sipper, not a guzzler. The Hubby learned that one the hard way! He guzzled it after a workout once and it gave him a good, solid buzz for a bit from the quick, super dose of Oolong Tea!

The one on the right I have mentioned here before, but I had been on a hiatus from enjoying them through the cold, winter months. Welcome back The Good Girl Moonshine (GGMS)!! I make mine with water, flavored tea bags, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and ginger. There are 101 options out there though. I have some orange extract, so I'm thinking about drumming up a citrus option. The Hubby likes the cinnamon apple tea bags with a splash of caramel extract for a caramel apple moonshine. The options are endless! Here are some for you to check out:

This is another one of those recipes that can end up sucking you into Pinterest for hours. Basically, keep the base the same and own it. Make it your's! Test different options, less or more apple cider vinegar (ACV) - I suggest you start light, it's an acquired taste - frozen fruit, blended with ice... The list goes on and on. You can really play with this recipe and it is an awesome summer sipper you can enjoy that isn't laden with sugar or artificial sweeteners!

Needless to say, I shall be highly hydrated today! Tonight I'll hit the pool after work and hope to have a super buoyancy!


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