Day 34 of 40 - Embracing Crazy!

I can't believe how fast the last few days have gone. It's been sheer craziness! My two days of "vacation" were over in the blink of an eye, but were completely successful and extremely productive!

Thursday I got the girls up early and ready for school with a little extra beautification to our morning routine since it was concert day!

I had breakfast with my mom and then went to my doctor's appointment. I wanted to talk to her about extra body aches that just don't seem to be giving me relief. I've had neck pain for a couple of months and my knees just aren't recovering after a run. She said I have tendonitis in my knees and shoulders and IT band syndrome. Basically, my body is in hyper inflammation status and can't come down. She gave me stretches, put me on anti-inflamatories and set me up with a PT appointment to get more help and relief. If all of that doesn't work, my next step is a visit to the rhuematologist. I know I have osteoarthritis, but she just wants to make sure we're handling everything as best as we can. I feel so old discussing arthritis and aching joints!

After my appointment, I headed home, changed and jumped on my bike for a 7 mile training bike ride. It was a beautiful day for a ride! Not my best ride, I struggled a bit, but it felt good to get out there.

The girls' concert was adorable as always! Emmy Lou was less than impressed that her class was assigned to folk dance for the concert, but it sure was cute! Abbycakes is still in the school's twirling club. They perform at all of the concerts which meant that she had performances at 10am, 1pm and 6:30pm for the preschool, grade school and middle school concerts.

My crazy-haired Abbycakes! I swear her hair looked great 
when I dropped her off in the morning!

My super twirler is to the left of the big kid.

My little ham is in the striped dress.

Emmy Lou in the white dress with pink sweater.

After the concert we headed home for a snack and then hit the roller rink for Abbycakes's end of year part for her Girl Scout troop. The girls had a blast! Finally, their dad picked them up to head back to the school for Abby's final twirling performance and then took them home with him for the night. I thoroughly enjoyed my quiet night alone!

Yesterday wasn't much quieter, but it was so incredibly relaxing! I had a one hour massage, lunch with my honey, a visit with my chiropractor and then The Hubby, the girls and I ran a 5K in absolutely gorgeous weather!

My running buddy!

Emmy Lou ran with a couple of friends. 
I love that this race makes it easy for the kids to run by themselves 
without worrying abou them - we know 90% of the people running or watching!

The Hubby rocked his first official 5K. We haven't seen the chip times yet, but he said his app showed he finished just over the 30 minute mark. Abbycakes ran the first and last lap with me, so my time was slow, but I finished pain free... which is 100 times better than last year! Emmy Lou ran with a couple different friends and finished with a classmate. She loves doing this race! She even said she can't wait till our next race!

I can't believe this was my fifth Panther Pant! Em has ran with me the last four year and Abbycakes hit her third one this year!

After the race, we took the girls out for a celebratory dinner. The Hubby and I even enjoyed a couple of drinks!


Waiting on the check!

This morning the girls and I got up, packed our lunches and headed off to do camp clean up for Girl Scouts. Emmy Lou was excited to check out the camp she will be going to for a whole week this summer. It was also nice for me to see it too. I know she'll have a blast! We were assigned to firepit duty! WE had to dig out the pits and rake up the whole area. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow!!
Cinderella #1

Cinderella #2

Daydreaming about the fun to come in July!

Tomorrow is more fun with Emmy Lou's Girl Scout troop having their end of the year party and then spending some time with just Abbycakes while Emmy Lou plays with her classmates at a birthday party. 

I still can't believe I start my new job on Monday. It's felt like I've just been off on vacation up to this point. I think it will all sink in on Monday. Meanwhile, tomorrow I need to plan the week's menu and shop between events. The new schedule will take a little getting used to, but I'm excited for what lies ahead. I have a very good feeling about this move!!


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