Twas The Friday Before Christmas...

I can't believe next week is already Christmas! Today is the last day of school for our critters. My girls bounced out of bed without a single whine this morning - after all, it's Christmas Party & School Movie Day!

Yesterday was their Christmas concert. It was completely non-traditional, but so cute. The new music teacher had them present a musical based on the story of the birth of Jesus. Sending them to a Catholic school sure does have it's uniqueness from time to time! I was a bit disappointed when I saw that the program didn't have any traditional songs, but the program ended up being beyond cute and the kids did a great job. They even involved the middle schoolers, to make it a full-school program. Nana and I really enjoyed it!

My chatty angel.

My restless curly horned sheep.

Both girls all dolled up and ready to sing!

It was nice to have the day off yesterday and not feel so rushed going from place to place. Plus, I got to spend the morning just hanging out and drinking coffee with my mom. It's been ages since we've done that. Usually we have kids demanding our attention or grabbing our attention, which then makes us forget what we were talking about in the first place! Don't worry, the dogs did their best to make it so we didn't miss the kids!

I also made a trip to the dentist yesterday, before the concert, for a cleaning. I had a "you're definitely aging" moment when they told me that work I had done in my early 20s is finally starting to show signs of needing a permanent fix. *sigh* I broke broke a tooth back in the day and my dentist fixed me right up with the promise that down the road I would need a more permanent fix. We've reached the end of that road and a crown is in my near future. I'm just happy it's held this long! Unfortunately, they think there's a crack in the same tooth on the other side too. EEK! Now I get why people hate going to the dentist... It's EXPENSIVE! At least it's not dentures right? 

Tonight is my holiday dinner for work. Our entire office goes out for dinner and drinks. It's nice to get out and see everyone in a more relaxed state. Then tomorrow The Hubby and I have a rare day to ourselves! Our plans... sleep in, go to karate, lay low and then maybe go out for a bit in the evening. Sounds perfectly stress free! Sunday I get my girlies back because Christmas Break officially starts at 2:45 this afternoon and they get to spend the day with The Hubby on Monday.

Speaking of the kids... we wrapped The Hubby's presents last night. The girls helped me because he was one quite large and heavy gift.

Yes, it's that much bigger than my little Rat Terrier! She posed perfectly for a comparison too. I didn't even have to ask. Anyway, as we were wrapping we managed to lose a set of scissors. We looked and looked and finally I had Abbycakes grab me a spare set.

This morning both girls come running into the bathroom giggling and yelling that they found the scissors that we lost last night. Apparently if you look really close at the bottom of the present, you can see something sticking out. Yeah, I wrapped the scissors right into the gift. Oops! They thought it was hilarious!

Moral of the story... I'll be without my best pair of scissors for six more days! Merry Christmas!


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