Baby Steps Day 11 - Crepe Success!
I have the best hubby ever! His work schedule is a little messed up right now, so he's not on his usual on/off rotation since he's filling in on other shifts for vacations. Anyway, he didn't have to get up this morning, but he did... And he made me breakfast!!!
I'm usually one who cannot eat for a solid two hours or better after I wake up, but this morning it all smelled so good that I gobbled up three crepes and was utterly stuffed. They were so yummy!
I didn't think to take a pic until I was on my final one, so forgive the quick snaps. Can I just say something while we are looking at these pics? I'm not a fan of these dark mornings.
So, for those looking for the recipe, I posted it on yesterday's post, but here it is again. I topped mine with All Fruit Seedless Raspberry Jelly (found with the other jellies at Wal-mart or other grocery stores) and low-fat whipped cream (in a can, NOT Cool Whip). This was a delicious, and filling S breakfast. I was worried about the staying power of these little sweeties (and they were a wonderful dose of sweetness), but I just had some coffee with homemade S creamer and it's 10am, so I made it my 3 hours and I wasn't even that hungry, just falling asleep at my desk. I don't know what's up with that this week! I think it's the whole re-detoxing thing.
I read on one of the blogs that shared this recipe that if you leave out the sweetener, you can use it as a sandwich wrap. Actually, the recipe called for the crepes without sweetener and added deli turkey & pesto. I'm planning to give that one a try for lunch next week! I like the versatility of this recipe!
So, I was off on my days for Abbycakes's belt advancement. Ooops! I had it right, then I questioned myself and changed it. So, tonight is the night! She's so excited!! It's also "Fun Week" at karate this week since it's the week after the test. Then, next week everyone starts learning new material. The kids all got to use the blow up bounce house. The adult class threatened to us it. Instead we all laid on it to get the air out after they turned it off. Same thing right??
For those wondering... I did get my hair cut last night. I'm actually going to go back next week and have her shorten it a bit more and probably give me bangs again. I guess I had to do it in little steps. Poor Missy (our wonderful "hair lady" as the girls used affectionately call her). Here's a shot of it right now.
I want to play with it a bit tonight since I didn't have any time last night. My head definitely feels lighter though!
This one gives you an idea of how much I had taken off. The back is really where it's chopped. My hair is so thick!
Anyway... fun things happening! Hair cuts, karate, crepes, Christmas shopping. Oooh and shrimp! Tonight is a kid-free night which means a shrimp dinner for The Hubby and I. Yummy!
I'm usually one who cannot eat for a solid two hours or better after I wake up, but this morning it all smelled so good that I gobbled up three crepes and was utterly stuffed. They were so yummy!
I didn't think to take a pic until I was on my final one, so forgive the quick snaps. Can I just say something while we are looking at these pics? I'm not a fan of these dark mornings.
So, for those looking for the recipe, I posted it on yesterday's post, but here it is again. I topped mine with All Fruit Seedless Raspberry Jelly (found with the other jellies at Wal-mart or other grocery stores) and low-fat whipped cream (in a can, NOT Cool Whip). This was a delicious, and filling S breakfast. I was worried about the staying power of these little sweeties (and they were a wonderful dose of sweetness), but I just had some coffee with homemade S creamer and it's 10am, so I made it my 3 hours and I wasn't even that hungry, just falling asleep at my desk. I don't know what's up with that this week! I think it's the whole re-detoxing thing.
I read on one of the blogs that shared this recipe that if you leave out the sweetener, you can use it as a sandwich wrap. Actually, the recipe called for the crepes without sweetener and added deli turkey & pesto. I'm planning to give that one a try for lunch next week! I like the versatility of this recipe!
So, I was off on my days for Abbycakes's belt advancement. Ooops! I had it right, then I questioned myself and changed it. So, tonight is the night! She's so excited!! It's also "Fun Week" at karate this week since it's the week after the test. Then, next week everyone starts learning new material. The kids all got to use the blow up bounce house. The adult class threatened to us it. Instead we all laid on it to get the air out after they turned it off. Same thing right??
For those wondering... I did get my hair cut last night. I'm actually going to go back next week and have her shorten it a bit more and probably give me bangs again. I guess I had to do it in little steps. Poor Missy (our wonderful "hair lady" as the girls used affectionately call her). Here's a shot of it right now.
I want to play with it a bit tonight since I didn't have any time last night. My head definitely feels lighter though!
Anyway... fun things happening! Hair cuts, karate, crepes, Christmas shopping. Oooh and shrimp! Tonight is a kid-free night which means a shrimp dinner for The Hubby and I. Yummy!
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