Baby Steps Day 3 - Temptations Are Among Us

Woohoo for Wednesday!! We're officially over half way through the work week. Mondays and Tuesdays are long for me, so I welcome Wednesdays with open arms. This particular Wednesday is proving to be a bit tricky though.

Every morning the team I work with has a morning meeting. If you aren't on phones in the call center, then you're in the meeting by 8am sharp. Since I'm on phones on Monday and Tuesday mornings, this was my first meeting of the week. It always proves to be a good source of entertainment and just gets the days off to a chipper start. Today one of my co-workers brought a cookie sheet plum full of Christmas cookies to the meeting. *sigh*

(By the way... I just saw that cookie sheet about three minutes ago and it's almost empty. {{happy dance}} Be gone with you evil, yummy treats!)

I swear I could hear each and everyone one of them calling out to me to taste it's yummy goodness. I caved! Thankfully they are all on the smaller size. I had three before lunch. Then I decided enough was enough! I don't need to go out of my way to get them. I broke out my almonds for some satisfying, salty crunching and am now enjoying my lunch. I don't NEED any more. I actually don't WANT any more. Therefore, I won't HAVE any more. Novel idea right? I will get my willpower back in check.

But seriously, work is a daily dose of temptations. Monday one of the ladies ordered pizza and sent out and invitation to our team to dig in. I refrained. Yesterday there was some kind rolled log thing in the department kitchen. I'm thinking it was a pumpkin/cream cheese roll? Whatever it was, I gave it an evil look and hoofed it out of there, double time. It could have been something other than pumpkin and then I would have been tempted to sample it, so I forced myself to not even sniff it! Trust me, I was soooo tempted. There were also random treats on the counter by my boss's office, the "team share counter" that basically says, "This item is free to all those who would like some." I try not to go down to that end of the hall unless I absolutely have to.

Either way, I'm sure I'm painting you a decent picture of this House of Temptations I call my office. The funny part is, it's a SMALL OFFICE! Well, a small TEAM anyway, there are 12 of us when we are fully staffed, which we aren't as we are down two until the new year.

It's no surprise that Willpower is definitely the name of the game this holiday season. I'll just keep chugging along.

I'm a horribly stubborn person... to a fault at times. So, in true defiance of these temptations I am actually planning to bake cookies with my girls this weekend! I will prove that I am stronger. I'm part of a cookie exchange at work this year and need to have eight dozen cookies ready by December 14th. I'm still undecided about what we will make, but it's tradition to bake cookies together! I can be stronger than the cookie!


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