Baby Steps Day 15 - Cookies and Candies and Fudge,.. Oh My!!

Yes, that is everything being passed around at work today. Look! And there was more on the next counter!

Today was our annual Cookie Exchange at work. We also kicked off Secret Santa - mine got me a pack of mini M&Ms and a Christmas ornament with Skittles. There's no hiding from it. I have found that the more I try to avoid the bad things, the more I'm presented with them. So... this week is just a "whatever happens, happens" kind of week. I'm not going to lie, I love the goodies, I'm participating in the festivities and I understand what it will do to my progress.

In the end, I feel I will be able to let go of a lot of guilt and self-belittling by giving myself a pass and hopefully lessen some of the stress I'm pouring on myself. I've eaten more fast food, sugar, cookies, goodies, etc. than I have in six months. Thing is... after this I can jump back in and hopefully say the same thing again in six more months!

I still brought THM-friendly lunch and snacks and I'm only drinking water at work. No reason to go completely crazy! I guess I just refuse to make myself feel guilty about enjoying the holidays - maybe even a little more than I should! If this truly is a lifestyle like I said, then I will have plenty of times where I mess up my progress.

Please don't read that as an excuse. It's not. It's a choice. I choose to accept that my head and heart are on the same page right now. The more I force it, the more I get frustrated with myself. So, hopefully this is a good solution. I'll consider it a compromise!

With that said... what a weekend! Friday kicked off with a visit to the Emergency Vet. Fun times!! My little dog was throwing up blood. Thankfully, we ended up with the best case scenario and are assuming she had an ulcer that finally ruptured. She was her normal, crazy self, just coughing/gagging up blood. Some meds and a not-so-horrible ER bill and she seems to be 100% today!

Saturday we celebrated Christmas with my family at the cabin. Not everyone could make it, but we had fun with those who did. The Hubby and my brother-in-law took the kids on a hay ride (since we had absolutely no snow). We even rounded up enough swim suits for all of the kids to go hot tubbin!

We wrapped up our weekend yesterday with a birthday party for my niece and a trip to the YMCA to go swimming. On our way out of the Y we even ran in to Santa! Crazy!! The kids were pretty stoked about that.

This week is busy, as usual. Karate, Girl Scouts, Christmas concert, vacation day for me (for the concert and a trip to the dentist - ugh!), my holiday dinner for work... Plus, The Hubby is taking a mini road trip for a couple of days to visit his dad who just had major surgery. I wish we could all go, but we promised the kids we would go visit in a couple of months when Papa is feeling up to having more company. Our brood can be a little overwhelming all at once! But he's doing great and we're all sending prayers and healing thoughts his way while we wait to see him.

Next week will be absolutely insane.... juggling kids out of school, bouncing them back and forth for Christmas with each parent, and getting together with family. Some days we'll have tons of people in the house and some days I'll be home with only the critters to keep me company. This is the best and worst time of the year for me. I miss my kids when they are gone, but love all of the time spent as a family - extended family included. We're even hosting a Christmas Day Brunch this year for the first time! The countdown is on and our house is getting crazier by the day. You can tell by the higher-than-normal level of busy bodies in our house that something exciting is on the horizon. I can't tell you how many times a day I get asked, "How many more days until Christmas?" Even when we have a little chalkboard hanging up that tells them!!

Gotta love it though! I love watching the kids get so excited to give us their little homemade gifts. I think they get just as excited about that as they get about receiving presents for themselves!


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