Stubbornness To My Rescue

I'm stubborn. That's really no secret to people who know me. I'm often stubborn to a fault, which The Hubby can attest to as well. It's a blessing and a curse. Plus, I have passed this wonderful trait on to my youngest, who, at 5 1/2 years old, is on her way to perfecting that particular craft.

For me, this week, it's been a blessing. See, I refuse to sacrifice the progress I've made in the last six months and I also refuse to throw away several months of focus and hard work for some cookies and candies.

Today I packed a THM lunch and two snacks. Okay, I caved and had a couple of chocolates out of the box our Team Lead brought in this morning, but I didn't turn it into a breakfast of chocolates. I walked away. Hello willpower, where have you been?!?

Anyway, here's my lunch box:

Snack - Apple & String Cheese
Lunch - Leftover hamburger, cottage cheese & a couple skinny peanut butter cups
Snack - Oikos 000 Greek Yogurt

Dinner will be scrambled eggs & sausage for Abbycakes and I. I may even try the recipe for crepes on her. Emmy Lou will probably be sticking with toast. She's been hit hard by the stomach flu that is going around. Poor kid and the holiday season just don't mix. Last year she had pnemonia for her Christmas concert. This year she had strep for Thanksgiving and is down and out with the stomach flu today. She already made a comment earlier this week about hoping she wouldn't be sick for her concert this week (tomorrow), like she was last year. I should have had her knock on wood I guess.

Right now I'm just crossing fingers that it doesn't cycle through the house while it's here. We had all four kids together the past four days, but she was with her dad last night and today. What are the chances she didn't pass it on to her sister? Oh the joys of kids in school during the cold and flu season!

Needless to say, there will be no karate for our family tonight. We'll work on finishing up the teacher gifts for tomorrow and lay low in hopes that we can get through this without too many casualties!

So, although there will be temptations and holiday lunches/dinners that I will participate in, it's time to reign in my binging. I had my fun. I feel like crap. It's time to move on. I feel like I can see negative results in my face and body every day. I know most of it is in my head, but I don't want to go back to where I was six months ago... Then all of my hard work will have been for nothing.

With all of that said, my Secret Santa doesn't know about my re-dedication to my cause and gave me my favorite caramels to go with yesterday's Sixlets (which I absolutely LOVE). The candle smells delicious too!

I will just have to share the chewy, yummy goodness with others... and save one for myself for another day. I'm excited to see how what my Secret Santa has in store for me tomorrow and Friday!

With my thoughts turned back to eating a bit more on plan, I've decided to try out a couple new recipes while I'm at it. First, I need some goodies to turn to over those awful Christmas cookies. Our donut pan came from Amazon this week, so I'm going to give some THM donuts a shot! Here is the recipe that's been waiting for me to get my pan. I also plan to finally take a shot at these biscuits. Stay tuned for the verdict on these new tasty treats!


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