Post Challenge, Post Op and Back At It!

So, the challenge wrapped up 15 days ago. Since it was the evening before surgery and we knew that we weren't in the race for top prize, I opted out of the 2-hour round trip drive to weigh in (after making sure my awesome partner was okay with it) and enjoyed some time with two of my bestest, oldest friends. I still recorded a 9 pound loss at home which I'm perfectly fine with. I'm actually very proud of it because I know I could have thrown in the towel due to sheer frustration and gained all I lost and then some by the end. But I stuck it out and I'm very proud of that!

Surgery went very well. My rotator cuff was completely in tact, but I had two other tears that he fixed. He also removed a portion of my collarbone that was full of arthritis and a bone spur. The rest was just basic clean up. My hubby says the surgeon said he was very happy with the the end result. My post op appt was last week and I was able to ditch my sling and start moving more (who are we kidding, anyone who knows me knows I was already pushing the limits, but we won't tell him that!) PT starts this week and I returned to work yesterday. That was rough and painful, but today is going MUCH better. I'm down to just ibuprofen during the day and something a little stronger at night when it hurts the most. Overall, I'm VERY happy that I opted for the surgery. I have less pain now than I've had in months and I know the mobility will return with therapy and time, so I'm okay with that. I'm just anxious to get moving again!

Getting registered for school is still moving forward as well. I have a HUGE packet of info to fill out for the financial end of it and several hoops to jump through, but I decided on a school and a program that I think I will really like. It will open several doors for me once I'm done. If I put my mind to it and stay on track I could be done in 2 years! I'm excited.

Other than all of that excitement, I'm happy to report that I'm down to my lowest weight yet this year! Apparently I didn't have much of an appetite post-op because I was down almost 4 more pounds. I'll take that! A weekend of fun and relaxation with the in-laws added a pound back on, but that's nothing. I'm working on paying attention to what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat for now. I don't want to count anything at this point, but I am very conscious of what I'm doing. My goal is to slowly eliminate sugars and white flour and use healthier substitutes. I know it's a huge jump and I know that I will struggle, but for my PCOS I know it is necessary. Baby steps though because if I just try to quit cold turkey I know I will last a day or two, or even a week, and then I will crash and burn and binge big time. I know I have to go into this with both eyes open and also understand that it will be a bumpy ride, but in the end the best thing I can do for me. I think this is scarier than the idea of returning to school!! I know I can do it and my hubby is right there with me. He can be a bit more lax, but I love that he is willing to support me and join me in the fight. He will still get good food at the fire station though too. LOL

So, today I have two quotes that fit where I'm at right now. Enjoy!!


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