What weekend is it???

It’s the best fall weekend of the year!! Whistlestop weekend has arrived! I love this weekend. It’s jam packed full of friends, fun and memories. You can’t beat that with a stick! Since I am struggling to focus today, I figured I’d get some of my thoughts out quickly and the go back to what I should be doing.
A quick update on the side pain front… it’s still there and all tests are normal as far as my gallbladder goes, so we are all still stumped. It’s still greatly affecting my running, so I had to make a hard decision and back out of training for the half marathon and register for the 10K. I’m still bummed. Last year, due to an injury, I ended up running the half alone. This year I have at least five running buddies taking part in this awesome event. It’s all good though… I am running the 10K with some awesome friends and will be at the finish line to cheer those half marathoners on! I’m pretty excited to run my first 10K too. I’ve run just about everything else… it’s a new challenge!
So, gearing up for this weekend and watching my computer screen flip through my collage of pictures I am realizing how blessed and lucky I’ve been the past year and a half. When I decided to change my life I had no idea what exactly that held in store for me, but it wasn’t even the slightest bit of a let down! I ran several 5Ks with many different friends and family members, ran my first 9-miler, ran my first half marathon, cheered on my best friend in her first half marathon and watched her cross the finish line as her kids cheered from the spectator’s section, trained for a triathlon (this is still on my radar for next summer), ran my first Warrior Dash – which meant I climbed rope walls, ran over vehicles, and jumped over fire just to recap a couple obstacles, I watched my daughter experience the euphoria of a runner’s high and hear her say “I can’t wait for my next race, Mom!” and I trained again this year with new running friends for my second half marathon (which is temporarily on hold). I have met so many amazing people in my journey, rekindled friendships, and strengthened existing relationships this past year with all of my running adventures. On top of all of this, I met an amazing man and have been so lucky to have his support and encouragement added to all of the other loved ones in my life. 
In a nutshell… I’m very blessed! Running was something I never thought I would find enjoyment in, but I never imagined how much more it could add to my life as far as fun, excitement, entertainment, friendship and so much more. The best part… I’m not done yet! Next year’s goals are to accomplish a duathlon and triathlon and succeed in pounding out the corridor in my second half marathon! Bring on a weekend full of fun… I’m ready!!!
And just for fun... I forgot to update that Emilee ran her first 1-mile race. She was so proud to be wearing a bib for the first time.
This was the race she finished, turned to me and said she couldn't wait to run another one. Proud Mama moment for sure! To top it off, her little sister chimed in "ME TOO!" I love it! Here's Em crossing the finish line. She did awesome!!



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