One of my favorite food blogs is doing an awesome giveaway!!!

I had to share this with all of you, not just because it earns me an entry into her contest, but also because I absolutely love Danica's Daily Blog and get so much motivation and ideas from it. I've shared her blog before, but I just can't say enough about it. For someone who is recipe and food creative challenged, Danica's Daily totally saves my hiney!!

Here's the link if you want to jump on over and enter her latest giveaway.
Danica's Daily is giving away the coolest cookbook!!! ((CLICK HERE))

As for me, MIA = OTW (Off the Wagon)

OY!!! I've just struggled to get back on track. I need to find a better way to deal with stress than to indulge and overindulge in comfort foods. It's so bad that I've even thrown the hubby off track (not like I had to twist his arm too bad) because of the horrible food choices I've brought into the house. Sick kids is not a good excuse for not running - especially when I have my first 5K just 3 weeks from Saturday - and eating horrible foods. I've gotten back into old habits of swinging through the drive thru and running to Starbucks. Those wouldn't be such horrible decisions if I didn't have such a horse crud attitude about the choices I make when ordering.

So, you all now know why I've been absent from here. To put it simply, I'm ashamed of my behavior and the fact that my behavior has caused me to put 5 pounds back on and make my new jeans almost uncomfortably tight. :o(

Baby steps right!! Breakfast this morning was point friendly and dinner tonight will be on the line. If I hadn't felt the need to have a couple of treats this afternoon it would have been within my points value, but since I was naughty it puts me over the top. BUT!!! And this is a big butt (hee hee laughing at my own pun there - it's a laugh or you'll cry kind of humor of course)... I'm planning out our meals for the rest of the week and trying to make some "food friendly" plans for our weekend travels this weekend. Subway is going to be our best friend on this three-day trip with my mom and two little girls.

So, as I said... baby steps. I didn't lose 17 pounds by jumping into the deep end and treading water. I would have failed miserably and given up. I slowly got wet and so, now that I'm bone dry it's time to slowly get back in again. Plan, exchange some of my favorite naughty choices for some yummy healthy choices, and just keep my chin up. I'll get my stride back again!!!


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