Welcome to EENSA - Emotional Eaters Not So Anonymous

Hi. My name is Lyndsay and I eat my emotions.

I'm working on it. I swear I am. I think it's forever going to be a work in progress. Unfortunately, I lost the battle last night. I went to visit The Hubby at the fire station and asked him what they'd had for dinner. He told me they had stir fry and asked me what I was having for dinner. My answer was simple... Wine and then sent him this picture. I then added that I caved and got french fries from McD's. *sigh* For those wondering, I only had two glasses of wine - that's all it took to make me feel sleepy!

I promise the rest of the weekend's meals will be a bit more... solid?

As you can see stress is getting the best of me this week. I paid for it too. Weigh in today showed me up a pound. I totally deserved it since I have either been skipping meals or making poor choices for some of those meals. I was still on plan about 75% of the time or weigh in would have been much worse.

Needless to say, my post yesterday hit it right on the head. I need to find an outlet... fast! Tonight I think I'll see if we can break out the bikes, or go for family walk. It's beautiful out and tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer!

I also need to find a way to not let things get to me. My mama bear side comes to life faster than you can blink and I know I have a short fuse with certain people. It's only natural that someone who knew you so well for 15 years can so easily push your buttons when they want to. The joys of being divorced and co-parenting right? Thankfully, we don't argue often. It's just that when we do, it's usually a pretty good one that lasts a few days before we both simmer back down. I'm also reminded during those times exactly why I left and often question how I stayed so long in the first place. I'll never know the answer to that last part. The past is the past!

So, I will choose to enjoy my weekend. It's Friday!! I'm going to wiggle my butt to smooth my ruffled feathers and not let anyone ruin my weekend. The Hubby and I will have fun with the girls tonight. I'll have fun with them tomorrow. Then he will have a date day with Abbycakes on Sunday while Emmy Lou and I join a few other lovely ladies for one last cookie booth of the season!

Monday will be here before we know it and hopefully things will calm down and return to status quo like it was before. I'll take responsibility for my part in this particular frustration and not handling my own stress well. Too much came at me all at once. I'll also take responsibility for the fact that I let myself down and made the choices I did this week with food. The first step is admitting right???


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