I Have A New Obsesssion

First off... I'm upright once more!! I may look a lot like the guy above, minutes the cute, fuzzy slippers, but I'm definitely more functional than yesterday.

So, in my forced down time, I have found a new tv show on A&E that I've become a bit obsessed with. It's called Fit2Fat2Fit. The gist of it is that these very healthy, very fit trainers take on a new client, but before they can start to train them, they have to spend four months gaining as much weight as they can - usually around 40-60 pounds. The theory is that the trainers can then better relate to the people they are training when it comes to the cravings, the emotional and mental issues that come with weight loss and the limitations a non-fit body creates. It is pretty crazy!!

It all started with this guy name Drew Manning deciding to gain weight to understand his clients better and it morphed into a tv show that he started with other trainers taking the challenge to do the same. They gain weight and then become fit with their clients. Here's an ABC story on Drew. Feel free to do a YouTube search on Fit to Fat to Fit to check out clips, episodes and even the full journey for Drew, from gaining 70 pounds to getting fit again. (BTW... I get nothing by talking up this show, I just find it interesting and inspiring.)

During my latest YouTube search I found that Drew also did a Gluten Free challenge to show the differences in eating gluten free, while allowing yourself anything that says "gluten free" on it, and eating gluten free in a healthy format. Again... CRAZY!!! This one isn't just about weight gain or body changes. He tracks his blood work through the journey and after two months of eating entirely gluten free, but allowing himself anything processed, etc. as long as it was listed as gluten free, the results are jaw dropping. Talk about a reality check!!!

Anyway... if' you're interested, here's the first YouTube episode of Drew Manning's Fit2Fat2Fit Gluten Free Challenge. It's definitely worth a watch to see the results, even if you just check out the first two months!

While I don't eat 100% gluten free, a lot of our THM meals are often gluten free by default. I don't watch the amount of gluten I allow myself, but after watching these videos, it is clear that no matter what the diet - fad or not, there is something about eating processed foods that creates a negative reaction with our body.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the need for a gluten free diet. My best friend has Celiac disease and it's been a huge process for her to adjust to life without a lot of the things that she loved to eat and drink. I understand people needing this way of life, but as he points out... it's clear, no matter what the diet, that if you depend on processed, pre-packaged or quick foods to help you get healthy, you may be in for disappointment.

With that said... I know that's a huge reason I have not done well this month. While I haven't been horrible about my choices all of the time, I have been leaning on quick foods, simple choices and things that my body just doesn't like. As a result, I've spent the last several days trying to fix my gut since it now hates me and cramps and gurgles with every meal I put into it... THM or not. It's not happy!!! It still shocks me that my body truly does prefer for me to feed it healthy foods. As much as my brain says, "Feed me Girl Scout Cookies!!" My stomach is shrieking, "Oh please, for the love of all that is holy, do not eat those cookies!!" The struggle is real!! Thankfully, the cookie season is coming to a close. Unfortunately, I'm sure I'll find something else to torture myself with!

Obviously I'm feeling a bit better today. I can form complete sentences and blog posts, so that's a plus. I'm completely over this crud! On the plus side, my appetite hasn't entirely returned. On the not-so-plus side, what little appetite I have is craving comfort foods. I will stay strong though!!! One week left of Lent and although I haven't been super awesome the past month, I want to finish strong! Emmy Lou has even said she wants to keep eating the THM way after Lent! She's been a complete rock star in this journey!

So, since I'm upright and able to form full thoughts, I decided to plan out what was left of our week. We have all four kiddos through Sunday night, so it's a good idea to have a plan!

Thursday - Parmesan Chicken w/mixed greens & ranch dressing

Friday - Pork Tenderloin (chops) w/sweet potato fries and green beans

Saturday - Venison chops w/brown rice and green beans

Sunday - Dinner at the cabin - Spicy Chicken & Sausage Pasta

It's pretty obvious that I'm still not feeling stellar and lack an appetite by the absolute absence of creativity in the meal planning for the rest of the week. Hey, cut me some slack. Everything sounds and tastes like cardboard right now. It takes some of the fun out of food!


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