Suck It Up Buttercup!
I agree... everyone is totally entitled to feel like life just downright sucks sometimes. It all gets so overwhelming. Every person has a different breaking point. I had my moment, now it's time to shake it off and move forward. So, I giggled when I saw on of my favorite sayings I personally use...
And suck it up I shall! I've been dealing with this crap for three and a half years. It's nothing I am not used to and can't handle. I'll take whatever comes my way as needed, but for now, no sense dwelling on it all. I'll do what I can do and keep trying to find an answer.
Moving on! Crazy, busy week continues! Night three of not getting home until after 8pm. Good thing The Hubby is home during the day or our dogs would hate me! Tonight is another Girl Scouts & Karate night. Then just The Hubby and I for what's left of the evening. All two hours of it! Still, it will be nice to get home and relax together instead of running around making sure homework is done, lunches are packed (although I'll still have to pack my own lunch), kids are in pj's, tucked in and have asked their 47 "now that I'm in bed, I'll do everything I can to not have to go right to sleep" questions. Tomorrow will end before 8pm though, which I'm super pumped about! It'll be after 7pm, but I can handle that. Busy days help make the week go by quickly, so I'll take it!
Speaking of the dogs not liking me, I'm know all who read this know that we have four kids - two each - who are pretty much the same age. We currently have two 8-year-olds and two 5-year-olds.
What some of you may not know is that we also have four furry kids. Jake, our chocolate lab will be two in June and is crazy obsessive about The Hubby! He would climb in his pocket and live there if he could. See??
Piper, our rat terrier, turned one in November and is also insanely in love with The Hubby. Again, the proof is in the picture.
Both love me too, but they love him wayyyyy more!
Then there are our two kitties...
Rudy will be four in July and Jellybean will be two this July also. The cats are all mine! While the dogs are loving all over The Hubby, the cats wait patiently and then snuggle up with me once everything has quieted down.
Now, the reason behind introducing all of the critters. Well, they are cute, but I really was going somewhere with this. Rudy is beyond odd. He has developed an addition... to contact solution! Both The Hubby and I wear contacts and I noticed Rudy licking at my case or trying to pull it away while I was putting mine or taking them out, so about two years ago I started squirting him with the bottle of solution thinking he would get annoyed and go away. Nope! I have created a monster!!
This is him begging me to dump my leftover solution on him so he can get his fix. He does the same thing to The Hubby. He's actually to the point that if The Hubby shuts the bathroom door while he's putting his contacts in, this darn cat will yell and carry on until he opens it! How's that for weird?!?!
I think it's funny that it's clear everyone has their vice. Even cats! Oh, did I mention this particular critter also seems to eat his emotions?? When stressed he will park himself at his food dish! He's a hefty boy too. We have tried putting him on a diet... but neither one of us got any sleep since the dang cat would complain ALL NIGHT LONG!
Completely unrelated to THM, food, heath or weight loss, but it's a sight better than complaining about my woes!
Sorry for the lacking amount of recipes to share this week. My dinners have been protein shakes and eggs this week. I hope to make some donuts or muffins this weekend to give Emmy Lou some new snacks for lunch, so stay tuned for those!
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