Welcome Back Sugar Withdrawals!
I've so missed these withdrawals... NOT!! But I'll choose to take them as a good sign. If I was still letting myself eat real sugar or bad carbs, then I wouldn't feel this crummy right? It took me until this afternoon to figure out that, although I have head-cold type symptoms, the headache that refuses to respond to pain meds is 110% related to what I've been eating and drinking lately. Hopefully it's shorter lived than the initial detox in the beginning.
In the meantime, I'll voluntarily take a few tips from my current internal Drummer Boy...
- This detox headache means I'm on the right path to cleaning out my system again.
- My body really doesn't like eating off plan - actually, it hates it and it punishes me!
- I was lying to myself a while. I wouldn't be going through days of sugar withdrawal headaches if I hadn't been eating it rather regularly. Yes, that even counts a snack size Kit Kat here and a Fun Size Snickers there. When your body likes ZERO grams of real sugar it doesn't take much to throw it off kilter.
- I'm getting to know my body. Realizing why I have a headache and feel crummy tells me I'm in tune. Not long ago I would have chalked it up to an allergy or the kids being sick. Thing is... the last two times I've felt like this, it didn't become much more than... well, THIS. It's not a cold!
- Again, I can smile and be proud... I'm on the right path! I didn't spiral out of control and gain 15 pounds back and give up. I took a deep breath and a sharp left and headed in the right direct again. Yay me!!
On that note, I want to keep things that way. Meals are planned for the week, keeping it simple. Lunches are also planned, although I need to get to the store tonight for a couple extra supplies. Finally, snacks are on hand. I thought I'd share a quick list of my favorite snacks since I've discovered some new ones since I first started doing THM. These are my current go-to's, but I'm always looking for new ones to add!
Apple w/low fat string cheese (E)
Wasa Cracker with Laughing Cow Cheese - I actually have two crackers & one wedge (E)
Skinny Chocolate w/peanuts or almonds (S)
000 Oikos Greek Yogurt (FP)
1% cottage cheese (FP)
A piece of sourdough bread toasted w/natural sugar free jelly (E)
Peanut Butter Whip w/a scoop of protein powder (S)
Carrots w/ranch dressing (S)
Cucumber w/sea salt (FP)
Let's face it.. I get crabby when I get too far off plan. The simple solution to that is to stay on plan and stay happy. Also, staying on plan means no icky sugar detox headaches! That sounds glorious!
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