Getting In The Christmas Spirit! Let's Plan COOKIES!
I'm a little behind schedule, but I'll blame my moodiness and lack of ideas for Christmas gifts this year. Since I've solved both, I'm finally getting in the spirit. I love Christmas! Especially having little kids at home. I love the Christmas concerts, the excitement of getting all dressed up for them, or going to family gatherings. It seems this weekend really kicks off the festivities for us.
If you live around here, you know about the Christmas City of The North Parade in downtown Duluth. I haven't gone to that since Emmy Lou was a bitty little thing, but we're also usually off gallivanting someplace while the guys are getting ready to go out hunting the next morning. Tuesday is the lighting of the tree in our town. Then we get together at my brother's house for a Thanksgiving dinner with my parents on Thursday. We will never have our full brood together for that particular holiday, which is kind of sad, but we have yet to enjoy a year where The Hubby isn't working. That's just part of being married to a firefighter. Some years the girls are with their dad, but this year they are ALL MINE! Last year I was solo, so I joined a station full of very sweet firemen with impressive cooking skills.
After Thanksgiving we sprint into December with a limited amount of time to get all of our fun and events accomplished. The Hubby and I have one kid free day to get all of our Christmas and birthday (one kiddo has a birthday three days before Christmas) shopping done for the kiddos this year. How did that happen?! I also have to have 12 dozen cookies baked by December 14th. With that in mind, I've started searching for ideas as to what I want to make this year. I want to make something easy for the exchange, but I also want to have some THM friendly cookies on hand at home, so that The Hubby and I can enjoy a treat when we put them out for others. Here's what I've come up with in my searches!
This one is called 25 Days of Grain-Free Christmas Cookies... Oh My!
Our kids will be happy about this one... Sugar Free Sugar Cookies. How is that possible?!?
Ooooh... yes please! Here are some Healthy Buckeyes!! These sound sneaky, but worth a shot!
Seriously, the this is just the tip of the iceberg!! I know our house will have some No Bake Cookies on hand and our trusty Skinny Peanut Butter Cups for sure. By the way, my best friend tested out these peanut butter cups on her non-THM man and she said he gobbled them right up! This isn't someone who's "grown used to the taste" of sugar free foods or anything. She's heard me rave about them and whipped up a batch (her first time making skinny chocolate too!). Just like our house, she said they didn't last very long! We go through a batch of 24 every week! YUM!
Anyway, maybe it was the yummy Thanksgiving luncheon we had at work today that has helped put me in the mood, but I'm definitely there. This was the department motto as they were setting up the meeting room for our lunch...
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