Monday Blahs!

For as much as I love Fridays (which is evident in my previous post), I loathe Mondays! I'm not a morning person to start with. Then the weekends go much too quickly. This weekend we had our Halloween party, then spent Sunday cleaning and playing... This morning kind of snuck up on me!

Our party was a success! This was our third year in a row hosting one. The weather wasn't overly cooperative, but no one turned into ice, the kids were able to play outside off and on and The Hubby kept the bon fire stoked. We had lots of goodies - too many really. I'm paying for that one! We also took the kids out to dinner on Friday night and found ourselves snacking on the naughty leftovers from the party on Sunday. It was a weekend of off plan foods, but it was fun and now it's over!

Here's my Wreck It Ralph crew... Wreck It Ralph, Fix It Felix and Vanelope VonSchweets. I wish I had gotten a close of up Kenzie Bug's finished hair. We put all kinds of gems in her hair! Plus, it was too cold to put her in her striped tights. Oh well! They all looked pretty darn cute! My girls wore their costumes from Halloween night... until they realized they got in the way, then they ditched the horns and skirt and ran around with the other kids.

This week is all about hydration, staying 100% on plan and detoxing from the overload of carbs from the weekend. Oops! We also have a lot of karate to get in over the next three weeks before we have to test for our next belts. We're required to have 18 classes in by the day of the test, and The Hubby and I each have about six more to go. That's still sticking with our two per week. We just need to make sure no one gets sick! I'm nervous and excited though. I asked The Hubby last night, "Did you ever see yourself preparing to test for your first karate belt when you pictured things you would do as an adult?" I am glad we started though... we've found a great family activity! Everyone still loves it!

So, this week is a bit crazy, but then what week isn't? Tonight Abbycakes has her first Girl Scout meeting. Boy did I have one excited little five year old when I told her I would pick her up for her meeting after work. She loves being a "big kid." I'm still on the fence! After the meeting the girls have karate, then we head home for homework, dinner and bedtime. Tomorrow The Hubby and I are kid free, so it's a dinner and karate kind of night. We're on the search for another new shrimp recipe. Wednesday is Girls Night Out with some friends for a pottery class. This should be interesting! The downward slope of the week brings us more karate on Thursday and Friday. Saturday The Hubby and I have the entire day to ourselves! It's so rare for our schedule to land on a kid free Saturday that he has off of work, so we are taking full advantage of that one. We're going on a mini road trip to do a distillery tour and then head back to The Northland to go to a UMD Bulldogs hockey game. I can't wait! Sunday I get my girlies back early and we'll head over to their cousin's birthday party. Not a day to spare around here!

I swear I thought things would calm down after we got past the party. Apparently not! Next week is even worse with two Girl Scout meetings, conferences for two of the kidlets, karate for everyone and a road trip for the kiddos, Nana and I. Maybe it'll settle down after the holidays. Yeah right!

Anyway... here's the meal plan for the week!

Monday - Egg Sandwich
Tuesday - Shrimp Dinner
Wednesday - Salad at the restaurant
Thursday - Chicken w/quinoa
Friday - Solo dinner... probably eggs and bacon
Saturday - Dinner on the road
Sunday - Girls Choice (I'll let the girls pick dinner, so we'll probably have pancakes or tacos)

Same stuff different day it seems!! In two weeks we will have been doing THM for five months. That seems crazy to me. I'm not making the insane progress I was in the beginning, but I'm also not being as strict about my meals. I'm enjoying life and maintaining. It's reassuring to know that I can enjoy myself without worrying about hitting a downward spiral that leads to me gaining it all back and then some. Monday means dusting myself off and getting back on track. I don't dread it at all either. I actually welcome Monday meals because I love the food we eat with THM and I know my body will feel better since I'm not feeding it crap! It's all about balance right?


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