Pre-Op Physical… CHECK

One more hoop has been successfully jumped through! Well, actually two since I also got the message that my labs all look great. WOOHOO!!
So, I’m 6 days into the 14-day liquid diet. I am usually someone who eats anything sweet – I love chocolate and candies – so you know it’s getting a little rough when I am feeling overdosed on all of the sweet things to drink. It really is hard to find a savory drink, especially one that is allowed during this 2-week stretch.
Thankfully I have found a couple of options to get a little salt and savory flavor to balance out all of the sweet flavors. I already shared my “bloody mary” option, but I’m beyond thankful to have stumbled across these puppies:

I’ve been heating up bone broth for dinner most nights, but having a sipper was so convenient this weekend when we went down to visit my parents. Of course, I forgot the other one I had bought at their house when I left, but that’s life. It’ll be there for my next visit. I can’t eat drink them as is though… I have to do a little doctoring up.
Speaking of, turns out my sodium levels are slightly low on today’s labs. Not low enough to be concerning, but low none-the-less. I’m chalking that one up to this liquid diet. I’m so hydrated that I’m sure it altered the lab totals a bit. I’m drinking over 100 oz of fluids every day.
Otherwise, this journey has already been quite the adjustment. I think I may have found my old friend, Will Power, a few days ago. Other than sneaking a few bites of Easter dinner (don’t come at me… it was literally bite size servings and I was STARVING for something salty and chewable) I have been able to say no thank you when offered goodies, and even filled Easter eggs and baskets without munching on the candy while I did it.
Switching gears to focus on ME a bit more is pretty new too. I used to be really good at taking time for me, but the past few years I’ve been so focused on spending time with the kids, because they are growing up too fast and we’ve been hitting milestones that have been hitting this momma in the heart like a Mac truck!
Even when I’m spending time with the kids, I feel guilty about not having more time for the hubby and focusing more on our relationship, because let’s be honest, having a good marriage takes effort and time and oh how I wish there were more hours in the day.
Add in working full-time and starting a new business, I just really haven’t taken the time to focus on my health in a while. That’s no one’s fault but mine! So, it truly is about time!
It’s going to continue to be a big adjustment too, because to be successful I’m going to have to be a little bit selfish. For the next several weeks my meals are going to be entirely different from my family’s, and choosing not to be at the table with them during meals right now is something I have to do. I’m not quite ready for complete immersion therapy!
But after surgery, I know I will be eating differently than my family, and a lot less than them once I do start eating regular meals again. We’ve all talked about what to expect and my kids are old enough to understand and respect what I’m doing. Additionally, I’m going to have to figure out a workout schedule that my body will accept and that works around everyone’s schedules. My goal is to pick a time and solidify it as a blocked off time on the calendar, because if it isn’t on the family calendar it doesn’t happen!
So, here we go… 6 days down with 8 to go. I’m not nervous about the surgery, just nervous about the big unknowns that lie ahead. I’m far more excited than I am nervous. Oh, and I’m hungry! hahahaha Time for another shake.
Most days still look a lot like Day 1, which some interchangeable items like Crystal Light for water, or an extra shake. Otherwise, same thing each day until surgery. I’ve got this!!
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